I don't think anyone's a failure as long as they're still innocent. Just a little. They may lose everything good in them but as long as they believe just a little in something very small, they're still innocent. To fail is to lose every bit of innocence.
There were tons of bronzed Scandinavian types at the Sorbonne. Marvellously blond and healthy and shining white teeth. Funny thing though, because someone told me that if you actually go to Scandinavia none of the people who actually live there look like that. It's just a front they put up when they're abroad.
I had to face the facts, I was pear-shaped. I was a bit depressed because I hate pears. 'Specially their shape.
Some people are very unfulfilled. In consequence they write passionately good romance because they believe that they could still find happiness. Emily Bronte was not a fulfilled woman but the passion she felt went into Wuthering Heights.
An isolated outbreak of virginity is a rash on the face of society. It arouses only pity from the married, and embarrassment from the single.
The awful thing about being fat is you can't get away from it. Everywhere you go, there it is; all round you; hanging and swinging, yards and yards of it, under your arms, everywhere. And everyone else is so thin.
You've got to wish for something the whole time when you're seventeen. You've got to, or there's nothing to live for. However impossible you've got to think you want it. ... When I couldn't think of a thing I wanted I nearly died.
You can't write any form of fiction unless you enjoy reading it. You must be sincere in your approach. It's no good despising the form. So many people think they could earn some money from writing something for which they have no affection. It won't work. The first thing you have to have is belief.