Love is giving someone what they need most, when they deserve it least, at great personal cost to yourself.
Chip Ingram -
Most of us learn to trust, not because we’re noble, brave, or godly, and certainly not because we have it together, but when we don’t have any other choice.
Chip Ingram
Some of the dumbest things we do are done out of anger and bitterness when someone has wronged us.
Chip Ingram -
Our violent, narcissistic, noncommittal, “me first” culture is simply the logical and predictable expression of “truth” as a relative, subjective, unverifiable concept.
Chip Ingram -
Love was the early Christians' marketing plan and their business card was joy.
Chip Ingram -
If we want to see God as he longs for us to see him, we must look at Jesus very closely.
Chip Ingram -
Worry and anxiety are not great thoughts; faith in God’s promise is.
Chip Ingram -
God gives us the ingredients for our daily bread, but he expects us to do the baking!
Chip Ingram
Character is always more caught than taught.
Chip Ingram -
If you simplify your life, quit chasing the wind, and be quiet before Him, He'll show up.
Chip Ingram -
Love sticks around even when it has a lot to put up with.
Chip Ingram -
Love is not a feeling; it's giving someone what he or she needs most when it is least deserved. That's how God loved me, and I choose to stick with the program.
Chip Ingram -
Authentic followers of Christ follow Him in the midst of a hostile and toxic environment.
Chip Ingram -
There's nothing wrong with dreaming about accomplishing great things, as long as that desire isn't focused on one's own glory.
Chip Ingram
God delights to do ... impossible things through improbable people to impart exceeding grace to undeserving recipients.
Chip Ingram -
Love says, "I'm with you, let's deal with it.”
Chip Ingram -
To be smart, spend carefully. To be wise, save regularly. To be genius, give extravagantly.
Chip Ingram -
Annoying mishaps always seem to cluster around times of spiritual fruitfulness. That’s not exactly coincidence.
Chip Ingram -
When you bow your head to pray - when you’re in a jam and you need to ask God for something - are you aware of who you’re talking to?
Chip Ingram -
Stop worrying about being your child's buddy. You are the only one in the world with the primary responsibility of giving your child what he needs, not what he wants.
Chip Ingram
God has never sat around biting his nails, wondering what Hitler and Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein were going to do.
Chip Ingram -
"Pray when you feel like praying," somebody has said. "Pray when you don't feel like praying. Pray until you do feel like praying.
Chip Ingram -
Unfortunately, most Christians do not understand the battle they are fighting, the enemy that they face, or the means God has provided to overcome the temptations and deception of this present world system.
Chip Ingram -
Christians are like teabags, you don't really know what they're like until you put them in hot water.
Chip Ingram