We'd go in there without much of an idea and sit and discuss. They evolved in the studio itself. Directions would appear, and it often fell to me to write the poem that connected the dots.
Rehearsal's mostly to get the sound and lights up and knock a few cobwebs off.
Breathe deep the gathering gloom, Watch lights fade from every room. Bedsitter people look back and lament, Another day's useless energy spent. Impassioned lovers wrestle as one, Lonely man cries for love and has none. New mother picks up and suckles her son, Senior citizens wish they were young. Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colours from our sight. Red is grey and yellow white, But we decide which is right. And which is an illusion?
I know Goldilocks quite well. That's what I call Phil Collins. He's been more successful than me and a better drummer than me but I still got a head full of hair. So there.
She is classically trained, but amazing enough, she's got a rock 'n' roll heart. She was playing bass in a rock band. ... It's still different. Ray had that raw, don't-give-a-damn rock 'n' roll energy, and that lovely voice. Of course, you can't work with someone for 40 years and not miss him.
We used to think that we were aiming at the head and the heart, rather than the groin. The Stones did raunchy. You need balance. 'The Other Side of Life' was a try to get a really raunchy, dirty song, and it just didn't come out that way. We can't seem to make the crossover.