One of the greatest lessons of my own life was learning to turn the inner rampage of hatred and anger toward my own father for his reprehensible behavior and abandonment of his family into an inner reaction more closely aligned with God and God-realized love.
Wayne Dyer -
My own eight children all march to the beat of their inner music, and in some cases, it is definitely far away from what I hear. I've had to honor their instincts and their choices, and merely guided them out of harm's way until they could be their own guides.
Wayne Dyer
The child in you, like all children, loves to laugh, to be around people who can laugh at themselves and life. Children instinctively know that the more laughter we have in our lives, the better.
Wayne Dyer -
Wanting to feel good is synonymous with wanting to feel God.
Wayne Dyer -
Live one day at a time emphasizing ethics rather than rules.
Wayne Dyer -
You are doomed to make choices. This is life's greatest paradox.
Wayne Dyer -
When you seek the presence of your creative Spirit and are filled with passion about virtually everything you undertake, you'll successfully remove the roadblocks from your life and enjoy the active presence of Spirit.
Wayne Dyer -
Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe.
Wayne Dyer
Take the complications, rules, shoulds, musts, have tos, and so on out of your life. By uncomplicating your life and removing the trivial pursuits that occupy so much of it, you open a channel for the genius within you to emerge.
Wayne Dyer -
I don't write with a machine. I write with a pen and a paper, which is what is most comfortable for me.
Wayne Dyer -
Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.
Wayne Dyer -
The Tao teaches us to let go of things. Use the 80/20 rule. If you take all your clothes, you'll find out that you only wear 20 percent of them. Take what you have and don't use and circulate it. Give stuff to people who truly need it. After all, we come into this world with nothing; we leave this world with nothing.
Wayne Dyer -
Don't program yourself to break down as you age with thoughts that decline is inevitable. Time may be passing for our bodies, but because they house our ageless souls, we never need to see ourselves as old and infirm.
Wayne Dyer -
If you have passion, there is no need for excuses because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might come up with. Enthusiasm makes excuses a nonissue.
Wayne Dyer
There's no substitute for the practice of meditation.
Wayne Dyer -
What comes out when life squeezes you? When someone hurts or offends you? If anger, pain and fear come out of you, it's because that's what's inside.
Wayne Dyer -
Remember that your imagination is yours and yours alone. You have the inborn capacity to use it in any way that you choose. No one else is responsible for your imagination. Anything placed in your imagination and held there ultimately becomes your reality.
Wayne Dyer -
The child inside of you knows how to take things as they come, how to deal most effectively and happily with everything and everyone it encounters on this planet. If you can recapture that childlike essence of your being, you can stay 'forever young at heart.'
Wayne Dyer -
In a universe that's an intelligent system with a divine creative force supporting it, there simply can be no accidents. As tough as it is to acknowledge, you had to go through what you went through in order to get to where you are today, and the evidence is that you did.
Wayne Dyer -
You can never get enough of what you don't want.
Wayne Dyer
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.
Wayne Dyer -
You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, 'I release the need for this in my life'.
Wayne Dyer -
When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
Wayne Dyer -
I've learned over the years that when I go to that place of passion within me, there's no force in the universe that can interfere with my completing a project.
Wayne Dyer