Ziad K. Abdelnour Quotes
We live in a society that is based on 30-second sound bites. We have technology that puts all of the information of humankind at our fingertips, but we have the attention span of a three-year-old at a carnival midway on the Fourth of July. We throw around a lot of words like democracy, federal, republic, nationalist, socialist, liberal, and right-wing—but do we really know what they mean?

Quotes to Explore
Financial crises are not natural disasters. They are man-made disasters.
How easily someone is offended is directly proportional to how stupid they are.
Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are; it solely relies on how you think.
The only thing that is or should be equal in the creation of wealth is the opportunity to participate. Everything else is naturally and rightfully dependent on personal and often exclusively inherent advantages and disadvantages. The imagined outcomes and side benefits are impossible to guarantee. The shared human experience should have taught us, by any objective standard, that making a mirage your focus will undermine your chances of finding gold.
Time travel is one of Assad's major achievements, the problem is he only perfected it one way: backward.
Thanks to the people that walked in to my life and made it better. And thanks to the ones who walked out and made it amazing.
Never measure or compare yourself to anyone other than your past self, seek to always improve & you'll be happy and successful.
Funny how so many rookies out there still judge condition of the US economy on the rigged "stock market". I frankly find it hilarious.
The same one who mistreated you will end up needing you.... It is the circle of life.
Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things happen when you don't have a plan.
I really cannot tolerate people who always find excuses or reasons why certain things won't work. Find reasons and solutions to make it work.
Derivatives - The risk never leaves the system - It finds taker who believes the risk is acceptable....until they lose everything.
Blessed is the man who devotes his life to something bigger than himself and finds himself surrounded by friends who share his passion.
I believe the people who are most successful are those committed to bringing out the best in other people through awakening & empowerment.
Myth: Bernanke Fed is committed to stimulus until a recovery occurs. Fact: The current monetary policy assures further capital destruction.
We are in an economic war. It is a war between those who create wealth and those who believe they have some sort of divine mandate to appropriate wealth. They don’t have such an authoritative command. I don’t think they ever did. We have tried their command-andcontrol methods for nearly a century because they said they knew better. It is now obvious that they didn’t.
A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
Commerce is considered by classical economists to be a positive-sum game. The act of selling and buying always benefits both the seller and the buyer. It is unfortunate that popular culture has propagated the Marxist myth that one person gains in business at the expense of another, that capitalism is evil because it is a zero-sum game—somebody wins while someone else loses. When liberals make the argument that capitalism is the cause of all of our problems, they are either speaking out of abject ignorance or being totally disingenuous to protect their interests. We have not had true free-market capitalism in this country on any wide scale. Where we have had economic successes in this nation’s history, it has been those times when people have done something outside of the government’s involvement. Every time the federal government has been involved, it has created chaos, waste, and corruption.
I think this mass surveillance by the NSA was never about terrorism: It's all about economic spying & social control. It's all about POWER.
Until a person finds something to die for, he or she has nothing to live for.
For all the secret societies lunatics out there who think they know anything, why don't you chill..We’re ALL guests on Earth, not Management.
The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as achievable.
Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to, doesn't mean the future can't be better than you ever imagined.
Life is all about moments of impact and how they change our lives forever.