Think like a maverick, Fight like a gladiator, Love with a humble heart and Die for a cause worth dying for... Be a "game changer"....The basic tenets of my life philosophy.
Our education system is today run by left-wing elitists who believe the US is too big, too arrogant, and must be reigned-in... Real sad.
Power doesn’t always roar.... The art of exerting power is an art used in doses - the more hidden it is the more effective.
When you stop grabbing for things, sometimes the world just hands them to you, instead. Focusing on others is true success.
The only color I judge people by is the color of their teeth.
Almost every Fed chairman in the past 60 years has manipulated interest rates to brighten the economic outlook for incumbent presidents or newly elected presidents who won by large margins. The purchasing power of the U.S. dollar has fallen 94 percent in the past 100 years. The only way you can create inflation is by creating more money that is backed by the same reserve assets; the Fed is the only entity that can create more money. Ben Bernanke’s quantitative easing (QE) programs have pumped billions of unfunded dollars into the economy, thereby setting us up for massive inflation in the very near future. If this isn’t a form of financial terrorism, it is incompetence of the highest order.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity, especially when it comes to bureaucrats in a government who has no clueabout money matters.
I believe that to create real wealth one must be willing to abandon one’s limited thinking, remove the boundaries around our abundance, and stop outlining how it is to appear in our lives. Remember not to create boundaries and remember not to define the outcome. Most importantly, stop letting people who are motivated by jealousy and envy dictate what your limitations are.
Never judge someone based on what you've heard.
I only back people with track record who can execute ruthlessly and flawlessly... Real killers...no matter the industry or company geography.
If you need an alarm clock, you need a new job.
In a time of deceit telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act...Keep doing it.
Always remember: Business is War. At the end of the day, the one with access to the best intel wins. This applies as much to business and politics as it does to the military. Ask every single billionaire and military or political strategist out there. They will all confirm that as fact.
There is a major difference between theoretical knowledge and experiential knowledge. Academics think they know how the economy should work; successful business owners know how the economy does work. They have been there and done it. Our government should be turning to those who have experiential knowledge when it comes to solving our fiscal problems. They would realize that many of their current policies may sound good but don’t work in the real world and must be abandoned. They would spend less and live within their means. They would be promoting the creation of more entrepreneurs and business owners, instead of hiring more bureaucrats, consulting more academics, and enlisting more lawyers to harass and prosecute the true wealth creators of this nation.
A simple "I'm proud of you" does wonders. It's something that we don't get to hear a lot, and probably what we need the most.
Don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price.
We live in a society that is based on 30-second sound bites. We have technology that puts all of the information of humankind at our fingertips, but we have the attention span of a three-year-old at a carnival midway on the Fourth of July. We throw around a lot of words like democracy, federal, republic, nationalist, socialist, liberal, and right-wing—but do we really know what they mean?
No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Governments' programs once launched unfortunately never disappear...Get real.
Even the most well-meaning government policies have unintended consequences that have harmed the economy. If government policies were today held accountable the way private businesses are, the scoreboard would say government is failing to help people...and this is a fact.
Make your money on the buy, not the sell; this is true in any investment whether it's real estate, business, or the stock market.
100 Years Is Enough: Time to Make the Fed a Public Utility.
Don't be scared to be intelligent. Knowledge is sexy and powerful.
You are either going to go through the pain of disappointment or discipline in your life. The latter makes the pain worth it.
For all the hopeful dreamers morons out there... Stop praying for God to make things happen for you. Just make them happen.