Develop a mailing list... anyone who comes through your studio or meets you at art shows or anywhere. It's the power of permission-based marketing. Email your latest work to the list, every month.
Nothing quite delivers the full experience of being out there like floating around soaking up the warmth of the early morning rays with a brush in hand.
Find a business mentor. Connect with others who are successful in other lines of business. Bounce ideas off them, pick their brains. Maybe they can re-write a proposal for you.
What treasures lay hidden between the lines where few tread? What awaits those who step out into the wild?
A personal website is vital, but it needs to change and evolve.
Create quality art.... meaningful, passionate and high quality work! If it's not meaningful to you, how can you expect it to be meaningful to anyone else?
Most people view the artistic process as something of a mystery. Leverage that, and engage your prospective clients with good stories. For many, buying art is their escape from the real world. Make it entertaining and enjoyable.
Hunger for excellence. Continuously seek inspiration to make your work better.