Fire trucks on the runway... Never a great sign.
All I want is a tasteful taste.
YES. I'm slow. This rules.
Excuse me while I go cry...
New Science... Neanderthal and modern humans mated! I knew I knew some!
Everybody struggles with get tiring as a musician having to play the same songs over and over again on one level or another. That is why you're cast to write the best songs you can. It keeps it going for you. My old man used to tell me be careful what you write you might have to play it for the rest of your life. That is always a challenge and the best way to remedy it is to write.
I'm totally in love with calvetica for iPhone. Yup. That's how exciting my life is now:)
I am not one of those writers that just does songwriting one way. Personally, I think the best song will pop out all at once, because it's this feeling that the words fit the music so cleanly. When you really have a complete thought, and you always yearn for that as a songwriter. You always work for that.
Music to me is a way of communicating without words.I think music is second to only smell in its ability to transport you without you wanting to be transported. Like if you smell your ex boyfriend's cologne. Like somewhere in public you sort of flinch and look over your shoulder. You wonder if that person is around. Same thing happens with music. It's really influenced my life a lot, even in times when I didn't want it too. A song will affect you in such a cheesy corny way, but you are affected so deeply in the moment despite yourself.
I love coffee so much. I oh so love it so much.