Bob Proctor Quotes
Quotes to Explore
No Americans wants to see somebody lose their house because of health bills. Their boat? Maybe. Maybe the boat. But not the house.
Being body positive is really important to your overall happiness. It's hard to see someone with a 'perfect' body and be like, 'Why can't I be like her?' But that person was born to be who she is, and you're born to be who you are.
Secret families are really the bedrock issue of Western literature.
It is not God's will merely that we should be happy, but that we should make ourselves happy.
I want to encourage women to take control of their health.
Removing government-created obstacles to small business growth is what Washington should be addressing, and this focus should start with removing the herculean impediments to job creation found in the health care law.
It is inexcusable that the richest country in the world does not take care of all of its people. We don't consider ourselves idealistic; we're thoughtfully trying to make a beautiful health care model.
One thing I've been happy as peach pie about - because I'm all about the children and the happiness of a woman because that makes the happiness of the home - is that nannies, day cares and babysitters are all collapsing, which is forcing moms and dads to raise their children at home.
I want to talk about jobs and health care and pension security and what we're going to do to stop the brain drain in Ohio and make it possible for our young people to stay here and build a life in Ohio rather than in Pennsylvania or West Virginia or God knows where.
I've been more or less vegetarian for about 40 years. Health diet really helps. I do meditation every day, and either yoga or sport several times a week.
Because of the president's leadership, every American will have access to affordable, quality health care.
Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.
I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields.
I know the joy of fishes in the river through my own joy, as I go walking along the same river.
Drink to me. Drink to my health. You know I can't drink any more.
The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God.
We can start with housing, the sturdiest of footholds for economic mobility. A national affordable housing program would be an anti-poverty effort, human capital investment, community improvement plan, and public health initiative all rolled into one.
Money is to my social existence what health is to my body.
I have successfully dealt with my dependence and my chronic pain issues. I ask that my privacy and that of my family be respected on this health issue.
The secret of Masonry, like the secret of life, can be known only by those who seek it, serve it, live it. It cannot be uttered; it can only be felt and acted. It is, in fact, an open secret, and each man knows it according to his quest and capacity. Like all things worth knowing, no one can know it for another and no man can know it alone.
That was the thing: Once, the difference between light and dark had been basic. One was good, one bad. Suddenly, though, things weren’t so clear. The dark was still a mystery, something hidden, something to be scared of, but I’d come to fear the light, too. It was where everything was revealed, or seemed to be. Eyes closed, I saw only the blackness, reminding me of this one thing, the most deep of my secrets; eyes open, there was only the world that didn’t know it, bright, inescapable, and somehow, still there.
As a writer, you live in permanent self-doubt; you're on permanent trial.
True love is just like regular love, but with more truth.
The secret gives you anything you want; happiness, health, and wealth.