You've got to develop mental strength. And you develop mental strength with the will. The will is the mental faculty that gives you the ability to hold one idea under the screen of your mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions.
Bob Proctor -
Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.
Bob Proctor
Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as an educated person. You are either learning or you are not. In today's world, it is vitally important that you see the truth in Eric Hoffer's statement. The win or loss, which is waiting in the wings for every person, is enormous. You get to choose which you will experience.
Bob Proctor -
When you REACT you are giving away your power. When you RESPOND you are staying in control of yourself.
Bob Proctor -
The Law Polarity decrease that everything has an opposite it's the flip side of the coin, you're right my left, the front the back, consider this next time you disagree with someone because their right from their point of view.
Bob Proctor -
The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves.
Bob Proctor -
There are six mental faculties that we have, and how we use them sets the course for our life.
Bob Proctor -
Few people today realize just how much faith in oneself that part of oneself which is spiritual, perfect has to do with achievement, because the great majority of people never seem to conceive of faith as being a genuine creative force. Yet the truth is that not only is Faith a bona fide power, but it is the greatest one we will ever encounter.
Bob Proctor
Money is only used for two things. One, it's to make you comfortable, and the more comfortable you are the more creative you will become. And the other purpose is it enables you to extend the service you provide far beyond your own presence.
Bob Proctor -
The ability to Self-Motivate is a cornerstone of true wealth.
Bob Proctor -
When you use an excuse for not accomplishing something or not completing a project, you are actually giving power to someone or something outside of yourself. Regardless of what happens today, absolutely refuse to use an excuse to get off the hook.
Bob Proctor -
Intelligence is an interesting word. It is also something which, in my opinion, is misunderstood by many people. There are those who believe that we go to school to become intelligent. Or, the more experience a person has on a particular job, the more intelligent they become. This notion is not so. All knowledge is one hundred percent evenly present in all places, at all times. Aware is what you and I want to become. The more aware we become of this truth about intelligence, the better off we will be.
Bob Proctor -
You want to make sure that your purpose is something people can benefit from long after you're gone.
Bob Proctor -
Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose.
Bob Proctor
Remember - no limitation can be placed on you by any one but yourself. With your imagination you have a unique ability to draw on an infinite source of supply. There is power in thought.
Bob Proctor -
The image of your goal properly planted and constantly nourished with positive, expectant thought-energy will cause your goal to develop into a burning desire.
Bob Proctor -
Unfortunately, the vast majority of people spend their days either living in the dead past or the imagined future. This sort of mental activity cheats a person out of the most precious time we have ... NOW. Give everything you have to what you are doing NOW and life will richly reward you.
Bob Proctor -
Life either happens by design or default, you choose.
Bob Proctor -
The moment you get emotionally involved with your goal, it instantly and automatically begins to move into physical form.
Bob Proctor -
We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope we get to death without being badly bruised or we can live a full, complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams.
Bob Proctor
I am a spiritual person living in a human body, not a human body with a spirit.
Bob Proctor -
Start with the end in mind. If you want to be a millionaire, talk like one, act like one, work like one.
Bob Proctor -
What you think about you bring about.
Bob Proctor -
You can't escape from a prison until you recognize you are in one. People who have chosen to live within the limits of their old beliefs continue to have the same experiences. It takes effort and commitment to break old patterns.
Bob Proctor