You never die from a snake bite, you can't be unbitten it's in the way, what continues to pour through you long after the bite has taken place.
I think earning money is the simplest thing in the world once you learn how to do it. It's like driving a car. It's simple if you know how to do it.
Do you think of yourself as a creative personality? If you do, you are both fortunate and correct, in fact the beautiful truth is that everyone is creative and we all have the ability to develop our creative potential. It is wise to remember that the person who follows the crowd will get no further than the crowd. The person who walks the creative path is likely to find they are in places no one has ever been before.
We all work with one Infinite Power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws.
You have two choices in life - you can dissolve into the main stream or you can be distinct. To be distinct, you must be different. To be different you must strive to be what no one else but you can be. Don’t be so concerned with the opinions of others; those who follow the quiet, creative voice from within are both fortunate and correct.
Cooperation is always more powerful than competition.
Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life. Your vision explains how you are living your purpose. Your goals enable you to realize your vision.
Being a winner is never an accident; winning comes about by design, determination and positive action.
If you see yourself in a favorable light, if your image of yourself is pleasant, if this visual concept of yourself cannot be shaken by temporary defeats, then you have reached the goal achieved by the most fortunate. Not everyone reaches this mental state; in fact, many people do not even believe it is possible. Happiness and peace of mind are a matter of consciousness. We must create the inner-harmony we desire. This type of awareness is not an accident, it comes from study and an understanding that we are truly creative.
Anyone who has ever accomplished anything of any consequence, didn't know how to get what they want, they only knew that they were going to get it. You don't know how to do something, until after you've done it. Our problem is, we set goals to do what we think we can do or what we've already done. There's no inspiration in that.
We can build anything in our imagination that's where all creation begins in your life.
You are God's highest form of creation. You are a living breathing creative magnet. You have the ability to control what you attract into your life.
If you're like most people, you've always wanted something better for your life - it's really how we are designed - we're supposed to want improvement, and we're designed to climb upward. But most people stop at that - the WANT. They rarely take any action that actually begins moving their dreams into true reality!
Where does she get all the energy? Where does he get all the energy? Nobody GET's energy. Everybody releases energy.
Be aware that the economy is not meant to control us ... we are meant to control the economy.
Richness is not about what you have. It is about who you are.
It doesn't matter how you grew up, or what you've struggled with in life - your mind is unscathed by any circumstance you've yet to live... and it's phenomenally powerful.
Sit down and write it down with a pen and then make up your mind you are going to do it. Don't spend any time thinking of why you can't. The fun is not in getting it, the fun is in growing. Goals are to help us grow, goals are to help us get. The getting is a site benefit; the growth is the real benefit.
Viktor Frankl said the Concentration camp survivalist said no matter how much mental or physical abuse had been given nobody could cause him to think about anything he didn't want to think about.
Happiness and peace of mind are a matter of consciousness. We must create the harmony we desire. As we raise our level of consciousness we become more in tune with the true nature of our being. This type of awareness is not an accident; it comes from study and an understanding that we are truly creative.
People who are interested in doing something will do it when it's convenient; people who are committed will do it no matter what.
The mind doesn't know anything about age, your subconscious mind knows nothing about time or space. And so, I am hanging around young people all the time and I operate like they do. I don't think of myself as being old.
Vibrations never lie. A person could be saying one thing and yet, thinking another. Get to the point where you pay closer attention to the vibrations you are receiving rather than the words you are hearing. Intuition is one of the most valuable mental tools you possess. Begin to consciously use it. Your rewards will be worth the effort.
Rather than exist each day in some dull, boring habitual manner, move into action on a big idea. Everyone is on the brink of possibility. Your responsibility is to discover what that possibility is for you. Ideas can turn you on, they can wind you up. The right idea can and will add a new dimension to your life.