Cooperation Quotes
Let us work toward greater cooperation with all Caribbean Countries, whether we speak English, Dutch, French or Spanish, whether we are independent or not, and whether we be island or continental territories.
Prayer is surrender--surr ender to the will of God and cooperation with that will. If I throw out a boathook from the boat and catch hold of the shore and pull, do I pull the shore to me, or do I pull myself to the shore? Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but the aligning of my will to the will of God.
It's called the Samsung Chromebook Plus, and it runs on an ARM processor, the same type of processor that powers the vast majority of smartphones and tablets. It was designed in close cooperation with Google.
So long as human beings can gain sufficient co-operation from some to enable them to dominate others, they will use the forms of law as one of their instruments. Wicked men will enact wicked rules which others will enforce. What surely is most needed in order to make men clear sighted in confronting the official abuse of power, is that they should preserve the sense that the certification of something as legally valid is not conclusive of the question of obedience, and that, however great the aura of majesty or authority which the official system may have, its demands must in the end be submitted to a moral scrutiny.
If the Holy Spirit can take over the subconscious with our consent and cooperation, then we have almighty Power working at the basis of our lives, then we can do anything we ought to do, go anywhere we ought to go, and be anything we ought to be.
India considers Saudi Arabia a center of stability in the region. The security and stability of the Gulf region and that of the Indian subcontinent are interlinked. Bilateral security cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia will contribute to regional stability and in addressing the common threat of terrorism in the region.
Everyone in my country understands that Russia cannot do without Europe and that, vice versa, Europe cannot do without Russia. We depend on cooperation.
Economic, social, and other kinds of regional cooperation are not possible so long as there is apartheid. Therefore, it seems the duty of all mankind to destroy it.
When you're collaborating with somebody, there has to be a spirit of cooperation. There are a lot of times when you just can't persuade someone to write a certain type of song, either musically or lyrically.
There is, and there will be, an increasing demand for a principled global security provider, for a superpower that believes in multilateralism and cooperation.
I know too that the only reason we have got any cooperation at all out of Iraq is because of the credible threat of force.
There is a need for the European Union to use all potential we have on defense cooperation.
There's a long history of private-company cooperation with the NSA that dates back to at least the 1970s.
We interpret our agreement with the IMF - our participation in the IMF's system of cooperation - as a borrowing agreement. The IMF sees it as an economic policy agreement. This is not in our interest.
I am delighted in particular that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has now made a strategic choice to take the path of cooperation, and has reaffirmed the central importance of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the International Atomic Energy Agency in underpinning global security.
The great problem there is we have to have the cooperation of those other Asian countries.
There is nothing more worrisome to ISIS than cooperation between 'the West' and the Muslim world, for it defies the narrative of a clash of civilisations the group is trying to revive.
International cooperation, multilateralism is indispensable.
Turkey is a model of economic and social development, especially in terms of human resources and regional cooperation.
Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.
What keeps things going, what sustains families, what makes work meaningful, what contributes to our wellbeing and what really connects us to Nature is cooperation.
We think that without cooperation with the Russians, we cannot achieve our goals.
Often I pretended to a cameraman to know less than I did. That way I got more cooperation.
Craigslist is not only gigantic in scale and totally resistant to business cooperation, it is also mostly free.