I have no idea why my mom picked Bob, and I've never asked her. My name used to get slaughtered all the time by other people. I was 'Desmond' or 'Damon' or `Demon.' So Bob's cool.
When another player screws up, I kind of erase it and make a good play.
We were excited to see the guys from the top take it to another level and get a guy that can really help us.
When you have guys out of place or you miss a tackle here, you're going to get some long runs. It's frustrating any time you give one up. Big plays kind of take the wind out of you.
We hate to give up any touchdown. We messed up. We were not in the correct defense and we didn't line up the right way.
I always thought that if I didn't feel it, the other person was hurting more. But I've realized over time that if I hit somebody and it hurts me, it hurts them even more. It depends on the way I feel.
Play fast, play smart, play aggressive, bring energy!
I'm really going to have to pay attention to Hines because I come down to the box a lot, and he likes to crack people. I have to be aware of where he is on the field.
He's a big back who runs hard and he has great feet. You just have to make sure you get lower than he does and run through him, don't stop your feet. You don't want to try to arm-tackle him, because he runs through arm tackles like they're nothing. It's almost not fair, him having that size and those feet. It's a crazy thing.
They advise us if there are any known medical problems so we can then alert the state health department and local providers. Once people are here, we coordinate an initial health assessment within 30 days and arrange for an interpreter, if needed. In following up, our case managers work closely with clients.
I guess 'harassing' is a good way to describe us.
Peyton, he can't win it himself. I think Peyton's done a great job with us and he'll continue to get better.
You'll notice that the college people weren't there, and that's because there is no agreement, and it's because these parts of the Open Meetings Act that I just explained to you have not happened, and that's the only way the college can settle a lawsuit.
I want to be one of the top guys in the back end and make sure I keep our team in line and doing the right things in front of me.
We squared up and his feet went flying over his head. Ever since I can remember, I've tackled the way I tackle now. I have always been a very aggressive football player. Once I put the pads on, I have this love for being aggressive, to just throw my body around.
The way our defense is set up, it puts me in situations where I'm one-on-one in making tackles on running backs. When I go into it, I think I am going to win. It really doesn't matter the size, height, weight, whatever. I'm not afraid of putting my body in there.
We were brought here for a reason, and that's to be physical, run fast and get to the ball. We have some great guys who came in here and are going to help us out this year. As long as we continue to move forward, practice hard and work together, we'll be good.
You don't want to go into the playoffs playing with injuries, playing hurt. You want to feel 100 percent so you can play 100 percent and make as many plays as possible. I feel good.
We know it'll be a good team, a team we've played before. I don't think it really matters who we play. It's all about us playing Colts ball.
The holes weren't as open as they were last year. Last year, there were gaping holes in there.
They may say, 'He's small. We really don't know if he can get the job done.' But they said that about me coming out of high school.
I think so. What do you have to lose? I think they're going to throw everything at us. We'll have enough game plan to know that we just make sure we read our keys and do what we have to do to win.
It says we're coming along, playing together, playing well. It's an exciting moment for us, for this family, for the whole organization.
Everybody knows and understands what Coach Dungy wants out of the defense. Once we figured it out, it was easy for us to go out and play fast, play hard.