Countries can be redeemed. Entire cultures can be brought to "salvation". The land itself can be healed. ... And such miraculous change is brought about by one primary avenue: God working through the market place. ... The primary means to true revival, though, takes place first in the market place.
The Church now has been placed potentially in the control of the heavenly places once ruled by the prince of the power of the air. But this reconstituted church must engage and defeat the enemy and retake the heavenlies in the name of her Lord, so that the eyes of those still being held captive by Satan will be opened.
Because Adam, God's deputy on earth, transfered his legal dominion to Satan, God became obligated to recognize Satan's legal standing.
The most common self-inflicted put-down is 'I am not a pastor-I am just a layperson.' This is all part of a clever satanic scheme to neutralize apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers along with the entire army of disciples, already positioned in the marketplace.
Drive to win and the desire to make a profit are given by God to provide the incentive required for conquering exceptional challenges.
Well, we find the Toronto blessing in every city we go to. I believe that it is a blessing indeed. ... the Toronto blessing has to be kicked out of the church - kicked out of the church into the world! If in each neighbourhood prayerhouse, there is a manifestation of Jesus, which I believe in its purest form that's what the Toronto blessing is, then the entire neighbourhood will flock to that house.
Preaching the truth without love is like giving someone a good kiss when you have bad breath.
In marriage, if you think you have married the wrong person but choose to treat him or her like the right one, that person will turn into the right one and you.
It doesn't matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship of Hawaii. Either one is already in the kingdom.
Will have a wonderful marriage. But if you married the right person yet treat him or her as the wrong one, that person will turn into the wrong one. The same is true with your job.