You see you left a little thumb print, and we are rather whales on thumb prints at Scotland Yard, Fisher.
In newspaper-land a dull lie is seldom detected, but an interesting exaggeration drives an unimaginative rival to hysterical denunciations.
In the deepest pits of 'Ell, Where the worst defaulters dwell (Charcoal devils used as fuel as you require 'em), There's some lovely coloured rays, Pyrotechnical displays, But you can't expect the burning to admire 'em!
I never did believe in the equality of the sexes, but no girl is the weaker vessel if she gets first grip of the kitchen poker.
His language was, as I say, under great provocation, violent and unusual. He had a trick of using words which never were on land or sea, and illustrating his instruction or his admonition with the quaintest phraseology.
I should prefer being thrown to the demnition ducks and drakes.
Fear is a tyrant and a despot, more terrible than the rack, more potent than the snake.
London waited, waited in patience, orderly, content to stare steadfastly at nothing, deriving no satisfaction for their weakness but the sense of being as near as it was humanly possible to be to the scene of a tragedy.
...mankind is not perfect, less perfect is womankind, and least perfect is that section of mankind which employs servants.
A highbrow is a man who has found something more interesting than women.
Later in the morning a messenger brought Mr Reeder to the chief's office, and he arrived with that ineffable air of apology and diffidence which gave the uninitiated such an altogether wrong idea of his calibre.
An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex.
I sent for you, Mansus, because I suffer from the illusion that you have more brains than most of the people in my department, and that's not saying much.
Vanity takes no more obnoxious form than the everlasting desire for approval.