Elizabeth Cunningham Quotes
…these mothers at their midnight council were more like one great mind probing itself, divided at times as great minds may be, but one entity.

Quotes to Explore
As a young man, I think I was in a bit of the revenge business for too many years of my life.
You have to expect the raps when you have achieved popularity as a writer.
One of my biggest flaws is I don't take advice.
I'm trying to make really flawed characters that have got redeeming features so people can say, 'I don't really like that character, but I can understand a bit where they've come from.'
Isn't he Bush the worst president ever? I mean, when his term is over, he has to walk back to Texas.
I'd earned over a million dollars by the time I was old enough to vote.
The reasons you have for doing a movie will vary with the way your life is going. There was a time when a made a some movies because I felt I needed to work. And I didn't think about the material as much. But sometimes I've thought about the material a lot and thought I was doing the right thing, and it didn't work out.
I was just very into things that were the opposite of what other people liked. I didn't want to listen to music that I could find at a friend's house. My identity was really forged around that, and you know, eventually that kind of identity gets dismantled and fed to the vultures. But I was somehow on my own mission.
Who climbs the mountain does not always climb.The winding road slants downward many a time;Yet each descent is higher than the last.
The rainbow bursts like magic on mine eyes! In hues of ancient promise there imprest.
My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree Toward heaven still, And there's a barrel that I didn't fill Beside it, and there may be two or three Apples I didn't pick upon some bough. But I am done with apple-picking now. Essence of winter sleep is on the night, The scent of apples: I am drowsing off.
They say I don't fight guys unless they're on a respirator. That's incorrect. They have to be at least 3 days off a respirator.
A pale sun poked impudent marmalade fingers through the grizzled lattice glass, and sent the shadows scurrying, like convent girls menaced by a tramp.
When I receive a new novel from a hopeful publisher - "hoping that I like the book as much as he does" - I check first of all how much dialog there is, and if it looks too abundant or too sustained, I shut the book with a bang.
I know perfectly well that only in happy instants am I lucky enough to lose myself in my work. The painter-poet feels that his true immutable essence comes from that invisible realm that offers him an image of reality....I feel that I do not exist in time, but that time exists in me. I can also realize that it is not given to me to solve the mystery of art in an absolute fashion. Nonetheless, I am almost brought to believe that I am about to get my hands on the divine.
My parents went through hell and back. They came to America with suitcases and a family of seven and $250, and that's it.
Now it is established in the sciences that no knowledge is acquired save through the study of its causes and beginnings, if it has had causes and beginnings; nor completed except by knowledge of its accidents and accompanying essentials.
Minds, like diapers, need occasional changing.