Rethinking the future: It is a profound challenge, at the end of an era of cheap oil and materials to rethink and redesign how we produce and consume; to reshape how we live and work, or even to imagine the jobs that will be needed for transition.
There's a plane flying over me and I'm looking forward to being able to relax and not worry about the weather or boat speed.
Not only are we lacking wind for the moment but we have a very difficult decision to make for the South Atlantic situation. There are a possible two doorways which could be open -- and there is no guaranteeing either.
To be honest, it is a really tall order and Francis has again set an incredibly high benchmark.
The linear 'Take - Make - Dispose' system, which depletes natural resources and generates waste, is deeply flawed and can be productively replaced by a restorative model in which waste does not exist as such but is only food for the next cycle.
When I circumnavigated the globe the outcome didn't really matter, it was about a goal I'd set myself, but sustainability is part of all our lives.
This is a great accolade for the whole team. It is great to see all the work they do behind the scenes get the recognition it deserves from the sponsorship industry. It's as important to deliver on land as it is on the sea if we want to keep on winning.
Every individual face, a grandmother or grandchild or parents and their two kids, they're all there waving at you and they've all come to see you, it's as simple as that. They're not there simply by chance and that's very, very humbling.
I think it is incredible just to see so many people there shouting your name and waving.
There's a price to pay for the speed, and that is danger. And to push that hard on a boat - it does take a lot out of you and is incredibly stressful.
When you start you're trying to achieve staying alive and getting home. If you can do both of those, then you stand a chance of breaking the record.
A record is nothing if not shared. I'm proud of the record but I'm even more proud to be working with the best team in the world.
There were a million high moments but it's sometimes difficult to communicate those.
When I was out there I was never ever alone, there was always a team of people behind me, in mind if not in body.
The transatlantic record is there and that's something I'll be aiming for.
There is real relief on board, it hasn't been the most ideal way to start but we are really happy to be able to get on with the task of challenging the Jules Verne record.
You don't fear for your life in the middle of a storm, you can't really afford to.
If we could build an economy that would use things rather than use them up, we could build a future.
It's been an absolutely unbelievable voyage, both physically and mentally.
You concentrate on solving your problems or keeping the boat safe or making sure you take the best route through the storm so you don't get caught in the worst part of it and you just concentrate on coming out the other side.
When you sail on a boat you take with you the minimum of resources. You don't waste anything. You don't leave the light on; you don't leave a computer screen on... on land we take what we want.
There is a massive economic opportunity out there to be taken without waiting for government legislation.