Since I reached the conclusion that the essence of the creative person is being in love with what one is doing, I have had a growing awareness that this characteristic makes possible all the other personality characteristics of the creative person: independence of thought and judgment, honesty, perseverance, curiosity, willingness to take risks and the like.
One of the most powerful wellsprings of creative energy, outstanding accomplishment, and self-fulfillment seems to be falling in love with something - your dreams, your image of the future.
Creativity is a distinctive trait of human excellence in all domains of behavior.
Creativity is the process of sensing problems or gaps in information, then identifying the difficulties and seeking solutions through trial and error or through forming hypotheses.
One's self-image and image of the future have a great deal to do with what that person is motivated to do and able to do, as well as the extent to which he is able to change his behavior.
It takes courage to be creative. Just as soon as you have a new idea, you are in a minority of one.