I've always rejected being understood. To be understood is to prostitute oneself. I prefer to be taken seriously for what I'm not, remaining humanly unknown, with naturalness and all due respect
There are those that even God exploits, and they are prophets and saints in the vacuousness of the world.
There's no regret more painful than the regret of things that never were.
The sea with an end can be Greek or Roman: the endless sea is Portuguese.
Being a retired major looks like an ideal thing to me. What a pity you couldn't eternally have been just a retired major.
Everything was asleep as if the universe was a mistake.
A sort of anteneurosis of what I will be when I will not longer be freezes my body and soul. A kind of remembrance of my future death makes me shudder from the inside.
For I am the size of what I see not my height's size.
I'd like to be in the country so that I'd could like being in the city.
Wise is he who enjoys the show offered by the world.
Oh salty sea, how much of your salt are tears of Portugal!
The Gods sell when they give. Glory is paid for with disgrace. Poor are the happy, for they are Just what passes.
At first, it's unfamiliar, then it strikes root.
Wasting time has an esthetics to it.
It's certain that, when hearing from any of those people the story of their sexual marathons, a vague suspicion pervades us, at about the seventh deflowering.
And the supreme glory of all this, my love, is to think that maybe this isn't true, neither may I believe it true.And when lying starts giving us pleasure, let's speak the truth so that we lie to it.
A essência do universo é a contradição.
For valuing your own suffering sets on it the gold of a sun of pride. Suffering a lot can originate the illusion of being the Chosen of Pain.
To feel today what one felt yesterday isn't to feel - it's to remember today what was felt yesterday, to be today's living corpse of what yesterday was lived and lost.
Vem sentar-te comigo, Lídia, à beira do rio.Sossegadamente fitemos o seu curso e aprendamosQue a vida passa, e não estamos de mãos enlaçadas.(Enlacemos as mãos).....Desenlacemos as mãos, porque não vale a pena cansarmo-nos.Quer gozemos, quer não gozemos, passamos como o rio.Mais vale saber passar silenciosamenteE sem desassossegos grandes.