Technology has not advanced because people are starved for instruments to make a better civilization, but because they are starved for entertainment – technology is still mostly a toy factory for grown-ups.
Rather than studying the laws of cause and effect, people spend their lives being the effect and running from the cause.
One solution to one problem makes two problems.
The words “human nature” can be the greatest obstacle to human growth.
Truth is so large OR people’s minds are so small that they’re only able to nibble on the edges – and when growth brings them to the area where they can feed on truth itself, as they move in and eat of the seed, there they become truth.
Beware of the possible reason some people are honestly down and out - it is because they tried to copy the many who are superficially doing well.
There are lesser people not for what they are, but for why they are.
Truth rides best In that which looks ridiculous.
Things differ because of the time in which they exist. In time, things opposite will reverse themselves. Also, judging does the opposite of clearing it confuses. Now, if any of this you judged to be non-sense, then perhaps it’s not so obvious that judging is the worst escort perception can have.
Having a sincere desire to want growth does not mean at that point you are committing yourself to growth.
Sometimes when you feed on another’s word you must eat it like a banana – you peel it first.
Americans are simple people with simple interests – The only time they sincerely ask “why” about anything is when they don’t receive their paychecks.
It’s a great tragedy that the ability to act is used to manipulate people, but it is a greater tragedy that people welcome it while sometimes making a phony protest.
Because of guilt there is painful diversion; because of greed there is playful diversion; because of grass there is pleasurable diversion.
People have learned to escape Reality very well but too often lose their way back.
Conflict is necessary for growth. But too often conflict becomes a haven for the soul. Until one day, the soul can no longer free itself. In real growth the soul learns to fly rather than having the ego inflated with praise from accomplishments as if it were a balloon. Only because it buys time, do we develop a strong and protective ego. This is the early stage in the soul’s evolution, until such time when the soul hatches out of its shell, which is the ego, into a new world in which there is incomparable beauty.
Rather than programming children as if they were computers, parents should be something like art instructors. Because life is like a clump-of-clay, you can’t make it into an expression of beauty, unless you take it into your hands. While sprinkling their lives with painful and playful diversions, people wait their lives miserably into old age, for the skills to live-life, to–come as did life- itself.
There are opposing forces in all living things. My work reflects this and stirs up a contrast of emotions in the viewer... perception versus annoyance. To the viewer who has reached that level of awareness, my work is no longer abstract, but very real.
The bird of truth would not be able to fly if it weren't for the air of lies we breathe.
There can be danger in stretching the body if it’s not done properly. The same is true with the imagination and the chemistry which may give the imagination elasticity, but the soul gives a direction.
Money inspires activity, not honesty.
Because of subconscious guilt, people spend half their lives in self-punishment and the other half taking on more guilt.
People fight not because they disagree,but because they don’t know they agree.
Being able to communicate with someone doesn’t necessarily mean that you understand them.