The more fortunate people among us would surely think we are civilized, but the less fortunate among us are a reminder that we’re not.
While traveling our separated roads through life, we are also either road signs or potholes on the roads of others.
When making a commitment, make it not to someone, but of someone to yourself.
Genius does not only require superior knowledge and skill, but also superior patience.
In order to stay clear of pain, we must know and know why we feel best while having pain.
It’s past time that people get involved in thinking – now that the computers can take over the field of memory.
One tool that is used most and has the greatest misuse of power is looks, and another tool that is used least and has the least desire for power is wisdom.
If you seek just a little truth, as most, you should not ignore abstract forms, the basis from which all short-lived experiences we call reality springs.
Passion is a disguise for attachment – sometimes as hate and other times as love.
People find it easy to justify their frustration in the struggle to manipulate others, but find it hard to justify the struggle for their own growth.
Can someone eat the fruit that comes from the tree of action that grows from the seeds of your mind?
Vanity begins and ends with deception, so the reason people put interesting and attractive clothes on their bodies is perhaps the same for having uninteresting and unattractive expressions on their faces.
Most writers are successful in getting their readers’ attention, but fail at getting them to think. If you’re asked to explain anything philosophical to anyone, the chances are great their understanding will be superficial; it’s best they don’t understand than to think they do, so encourage them to grow into understanding and don’t hand them too much explanation.
Just as feelings grow out of ignorance, intuition should grow out of knowledge.