(Peace!) Piece of what? You can't mean P-E-A-C-E Cause I've seen people on the streets Shoot the next man and turn around and say 'peace.' But that's leaving people in pieces It's not what the meaning of peace is.
Why's my name the Large Professor? Cause I milked your cow, in other words I hit your heifer.
For what it's worth, I've been a hip-hopper from birth. Try to disrespect, and get your ass played up like a Smurf.
I use a pick in my hair without force. You use a lawn mower-you got peat moss.
I can't relate to livin' less than great.
We fight every night, now that's not kosher I reminisce with bliss of when we was closer And wake up to be greeted by an argument again You act like you're ten So immature, I try to concentrate on a cure And keep lookin' at the front door.
Could hate a person, but in fact it's not worth it. Never know how long you've got on this earth, kid.
Large Professor, none greater none fresher, Won't fold under pressure...grew up down the road from Fran Drescher.