Jay was intimidating to the point where I was totally intimidated before I even got to the booth. But I was like, this is going to be a test of my mettle. In the South, I'm regarded as the guy who, quote unquote, out-rapped Jay-Z.
It would be kind of ill to see Rachel McAdams win an Oscar for Spotlight - I don't think people give her credit for her range, she started in a kind of character with younger demographic-aged films and really made a push to be taken more seriously and got a lot of opportunities and knocked it out the park. But I feel like Jennifer Jason Leigh deserves one, maybe not just for Hateful Eight but for [Anomalisa] and everything. Like, I tried to watch Adaption again, that's rough!
I take the typical words, or I pick a two-word, three-word pattern. One of the things I'm known for is I was one of the first rappers to end their bars rhyming multisyllabically.
The director Denis Villeneuve is actually an actor he's from Sons of Anarchy and he's a great character actor and he's also a screenwriter he wrote What Lies Beneath. It blows my mind to see when people from one sector move to another and excel. I think Sicario was one of the best directed and written films. It did get [a nomination for best] cinematography, though.
Lenny Abrahamson is really the only threat to Alejandro González, simply because the entire act one of Room is amazing. I believe Brie Larson is absolutely deserving of her nomination for Actress in a Leading Role. I'm not sure if she's going to win, but I think this is a big moment for Brie Larson, I think her trajectory is going to go straight up.
Just someone trying to shoot in 70mm deserves the nomination, and he Quentin Tarantino is shooting interiors, like tight interior shots, for that matter. Obviously Quentin is the director and demanding the shots, but all credit for the beauty of that film Hateful Eight goes to the director of photography.
Once I get in my mind that it's going to go "da da da dadada da da," then it's kind of like filling in the blanks.
Well I think the problem is, is that...what people don't realize is they're gonna get away from the people that they're marketing with now. They're tryna change everything about the format of the NBA, the imaging and everything. This is more about control you know what I'm saying? This has nothing to do with clothing. This is a control issue.
Well, the first thing I do is I try to listen to whatever rapping is already on the track. I listen for cadence and melody to see how the track's already been written, and to make sure that whatever flow or flows I decide to run with, or patterns or melodies that I decide to put into the song, that they're not already in there. Then I try to see if there's a different part of the subject matter that I can talk about.
I think the whole nostalgia for the forty year gap for Sylvester Stallone was bigger than the movie Creed, but it's good because the movie still gets recognized with Stallone's involvement. I'm sure the director Ryan Coogler is still proud of his film, but it's very hard to nominate a director.
Kate Winslet for Steve Jobs movie, 2015 is the darling. If you wanna be the king you gotta kill the king. I think Charlotte Rampling is the dark horse on this one. No one does classic beauty better than her.
They're not gong to give Hateful Eight its credit now, they'll give it its credit later. Hateful Eight was too long. I think we've indulged Quentin Tarantino so much with his monologues. Quentin has this very strong cult following around him and his projects, and people are always expecting so much from him.
Everybody has they're own audience you know what I'm saying. I write rhymes and make music for the people that I fell wanna hear my music. They write rhymes and make music for the people they feel wanna hear they're music.
I thought The Big Short deserved a nomination because Adam MacKay is one of the best filmmakers. A lot of what he does deals in comedy and he co-produces with Will Farrell, people don't really give it the credit that it deserves. I think that they actually do great screenwriting and they make great films, very entertaining.
This is a very pivotal time in America and I think families are still reeling from events depicted in that movie The Big Short.
My parents are from a whole different culture. My parents are from small-town Louisiana. It's like, if it walk like a duck, talk like a duck, then it's a duck. And if you ain't quacking, you ain't no duck.
I think as he gets older, Quentin Tarantino is growing more and more into his directorial side, but the writer in him won't stop the pen. I don't think he deserved a directing nod. Like I said, it's beautifully shot - it's cinematography, obviously, deserves a nomination - but he's not the camera man.
I didn't like the tone of Steve Jobs movie 2015 at all. It was very ugly, kind of rude. I didn't laugh, it was very uncomfortable. It seemed like all the worst moments of his life. It was very critical of Steve Jobs as a person, and it didn't make for a comfortable viewing experience for me. But I guess I don't know who Steve Jobs is, and I guess I didn't know what I was gonna go see. I thought it was gonna be celebrating the rise of Apple, but it wasn't that at all.
It had no affect on me whatsoever. Um... I consider Jay a very good friend of mine. I also consider Dame and Biggs very good friends of mine. With me not being a Roc-A-Fella artist, with me just being a friend of both and not being tied to them in the Roc-A-Fella situation, I was still able to maintain personal relationships with both of them.
Ennio Morricone is royalty. He doesn't really do this a lot and Quentin brought him back in Hateful Eight. Quentin Tarantino basically went back and made his The Good, The Bad and The Ugly-kind of film, the ultimate epic spaghetti western, and then you've got mister spaghetti western himself scoring your movie. It's gonna be hard to not vote for him in a landslide. Probably the easiest win of the night.
The only one that I have to go and see is Brooklyn. I was surprised to see it get the best picture nod, but Saorise Ronan, she's very mesmerizing; she has probably the most piercing set of eyes in Hollywood.
I'm going with Charlotte Rampling. In 45 Years movie, you start out feeling so bad for her, and then it kind of shifts. I don't know how long you have to act to be able to say everything when you say nothing. The acting feels so real. It's not a fluke that a movie that probably no one's heard of, an actress performance comes out of it.
Know that I'm chosen, one of the few Staying on top - at least, one up on you...
I feel bad about Lil Wayne going to jail, because I don't think anything like this has happened in music since Elvis got drafted into the Army. Let's just keep it real - Lil Wayne is not just the biggest rapper, Lil Wayne is the biggest pop star right now. Maybe Susan Boyle is on his level. But when you talk about music, nice times out of ten, Lil Wayne's name is gonna come into the conversation.