I think the challenge is, in fashion everybody wants to get rich and famous and it's easy to get rich and famous by being a bad person. But the challenge is to achieve your goals-whatever they are-while staying a decent human being. That's where it came from.
The fashion industry tends to attract people with serious personality defects. They just want to be rich and famous. But at some point you have to decide: Are you going to mindlessly go the easy way or are you going to go the ethical way?
Emphasize the best, and minimize the rest
Every experience permanently alters the way you perceive beauty
You might think people would buy clothes out of pity, but they won’t. People buy clothes because they want to be excited about themselves. ...it has to be great clothing that just happens to be goody-goody, too.
The origins of clothing are not practical. They are mystical and erotic. The primitive man in the wolf-pelt was not keeping dry; he was saying: Look what I killed. Aren't I the best?
The price of clothes may be low, but they are paid for with human lives.