Dan Maskell Quotes
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Toward the end of my pregnancy, I felt really big - I gained about 40 pounds, which is a lot for my size.
The Pound is sinking, the Peso's failing, the Lira's reeling, and feeling quite appalling.
I decided to stop drinking with creeps. I decided to drink only with friends. I've lost 30 pounds.
In this year 1634, I purchased the moiety of thirteen houses in the Strand for five hundred and thirty pounds.
A poor spirit is poorer than a poor purse. A very few pounds a year would ease a man of the scandal of avarice.
I could stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds, but honestly, I'm happy the way I am. I feel comfortable with it. I'd rather have that extra 10, 15 pounds on me than live a lifestyle of trying to sustain this unattainable weight.
Most people I know feel that life would be complete if they could just lose ten pounds.
I normally get paid tens of millions of pounds to fight and I ended up fighting for free. I don't like fighting for free.
I spend hundreds of pounds a year on candles and it is such a waste of money. It is burning cash whatever way you look at it but I love them.
They call Ray Robinson the best fighter, pound for pound. I'm the best fighter, ounce for ounce.
For every child of an illegal immigrant who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert
I was up around 340 pounds because the producers said they wanted a really big guy, and I'm not that big, you know! I've lost it all now though. I'm 285 pounds, my sexy weight!
When I grew up in France, I was a normal size. And then I came to the United States and I gained 20 pounds.
I do feel like especially nowadays, we are inundated with the message that, "Oh my god, you aren't making your own clothes? You didn't make your own bread? And you also don't have a career and you don't look unbelievable and you have 5 pounds on your frame? Where is your book that you haven't published yet?"
I always tell women, "Get in front of a mirror, know your body." Don't think, "OK, I'm going to lose five pounds and I'm going to gain five pounds." Try to find an acceptance in the present and buy things that make you feel good. I would say, if you're buying less expensive clothes, buy two sizes bigger. They'll hang better.
I started to do theater when I was a little boy at school, and then, I think because my father was a documentary filmmaker and worked for German television, I was of course fascinated by what he did. Then when I was around 15, I did my first movie.
She gave me another of those long keen looks, and I could see that she was again asking herself if her favourite nephew wasn't steeped to the tonsils in the juice of the grape.
It's probably your fiercest critics - not your compatriots - who have the sharpest, most resonant insights.
Bourguiba on Ramadan's effect on Tunisia" stagnation, weakness and decadence
The time has come to choose a new direction of global development, to opt for a new civilization.
Our political organization, based as it is on an eighteenth-century separation of powers and on a nineteenth-century nationalist state, is generally recognized to be semiobselete.
Home would not be home to me without a lawn, and if there are, as I've recently read, twenty-five million home lawns in the United States, at least fifty million other Americans must agree with me.
And here's Zivojinovic, six foot six inches tall and fourteen pounds ten ounces.