I want to find a way to speak to the broadest audience possible.
The only two characters I can play convincingly are myself and a dumber and sweeter version of myself.
When I was five years old, I auditioned for the role of 'Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol.'
I don't subscribe to the idea that if you don't have the body you want, you can't be proud of the body you have. I think you can do both.
I have one of the worst voices in the history of recorded time.
New Yorkers - the people are so honest. If you're sucking on stage, they'll let you know.
When people think of me, I want them to think of a travel show host who's really funny and good at his job, and I think eventually the CP won't even play into it, or at least that's the goal.
There's no denying it: I was a crappy baby who failed his way into this world, and I've been making the best of it ever since.
My childhood was great because my family has an amazing sense of humor, and it was just all making videos and jokes and doing skits and things.
Religion is such an important part of so many people's lives, and I don't understand it at all.
People tend to treat people with disabilities sort of like they're aliens from another planet. It doesn't come from a bad place; it comes from a place of, 'I have no idea what this disability entails, and I don't want to offend anyone or make them feel awful.'
We've all got hurdles we have to overcome, and mine are not necessarily any bigger than anyone else's.
We'd done a couple of road trips with my big chair, and it was such a hassle if we didn't have the van with the foldout ramp. I figured: There's got to be some option that I can use on the go. Now I can go anywhere with my friends, which is a big, life-changing thing. I can sit on it for as long as I need to.
Over the years, I learned that in my career, unlike in life, sometimes my wheelchair is its own automatic door opener. I was able to win the OWN competition by applying one simple principle: be funny, and admit you suck before anyone else can call you out on it. In other words, make the narrative of your failure a comedy.
The Internet is crazy, and I love it!
My family is weird in a very good way because I was always exposed to the arts.
A lot of the time, when people meet someone in a wheelchair, or with some disability, it's the first thing they notice, but they don't know how to react.
Talking to people is important to me as someone who has cerebral palsy. I know what it's like to have people not talking to me because they are scared they would ask the wrong question, but I would rather have an honest dialogue as long as it comes from an honest place.
My grandma was a church organist for 40 years, and she got me into jazz music and great songwriters, Harold Arlen, George Gershwin, all those folks. I can't do it, but I have a profound respect for it.
It's amazing how many companies aren't really in tune to the needs of different travelers. There's just so many embarrassing situations that you go through when you travel. You have to have a sense of humor about it and take it in stride. My whole approach is to embrace spontaneity.
Religion is something we don't talk about, and it is used by uneducated people as a weapon to divide us as opposed to connect with each other.
Over the years, I've learned that a sense of humor is the only skill that allows you to turn sucking at life into a career.
My grandmother was a church organist, but we only went on Easter and Christmas Eve sometimes.
I was basically the person at Disney World that was in charge of clearing the park when it was closed... I was the guy... telling them to 'get the hell out and have a magical day.'