Unsuccessful people think about what they don’t want most of the time. They talk about problems, listen to news & gossip, & spend their time blaming circumstances, situations & others. Successful people think about what they want & how they will get it. They are intensely focused on their goals & the information needed to help obtain them. Which person are YOU?
Darren Hardy -
Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.
Darren Hardy
Broke people talk about people and problems. Rich people talk about ideas and goals. Your conversation chooses your destiny.
Darren Hardy -
The key that unlocks your greatness is deliberate, disciplined and consistent effort.
Darren Hardy -
The highest achievers in the world have all succeeded because they mapped out their visions
Darren Hardy -
Forget about willpower. It's time for why-power. Your choices are only meaningful when you connect them to your desires and dreams. The wisest and most motivating choices are the ones aligned with that which you identify as your purpose, your core self, and your highest values. You've got to want something, and know why you want it, or you'll end up giving up too easily.
Darren Hardy -
The first step toward change is awareness. If you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, you have to start by becoming aware of the choices that lead you away from your desired destination.
Darren Hardy -
If you truly want to be successful, spend less time following the lives of other people and more time leading your own.
Darren Hardy