'I've got children', 'I've got wealth.' This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself. He does not even own himself, so how can he have children or wealth?
Gautama Buddha -
When you know for yourselves, 'These things are wholesome; these things are blameless; these things are praised by the wise; these things, if undertaken and practiced, lead to welfare and happiness,' then you should engage in them.
Gautama Buddha
Do not be jealous of others' good qualities, but out of admiration adopt them yourself.
Gautama Buddha -
A virtuous man or woman who is determined to develop the Supreme Enlightened Mind, should thus develop it: I have to lead all living beings to put a stop to (reincarnation) and escape (suffering), and when they have been so led, not one of them in fact stops (reincarnating) or escapes suffering. Why? Because, if a Bodhisattva believes in the notion of an ego, a personality, or a living being, he is not a true Bodhisattva.
Gautama Buddha -
Don't indulge in careless behaviour. Don't be the friend of sensual pleasures. He who meditates attentively attains abundant joy.
Gautama Buddha -
Delusions, errors and lies are like huge, gaudy vessels, the rafters of which are rotten and worm-eaten, and those who embark in them are fated to be shipwrecked.
Gautama Buddha -
One should refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs.
Gautama Buddha -
When a wise man is advised of his errors, he will reflect on and improve his conduct. When his misconduct is pointed out, a foolish man will not only disregard the advice but rather repeat the same error.
Gautama Buddha
The fool who recognizes his foolishness, is a wise man. But the fool who believes himself a wise man, he really is a fool.
Gautama Buddha -
Through zeal, knowledge is gotten, through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost; let a man who knows this double path of gain and loss thus place himself that knowledge may grow.
Gautama Buddha -
This is the entire spiritual life, Ananda, that is, good friendship, good companionship, good comradeship. When a monk has a good friend, a good companion, a good comrade, it is to be expected that he will develop and cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path.
Gautama Buddha -
No clouds gathered in the skies and the polluted streams became clear, whilst celestial music rang through the air and the angels rejoiced with gladness. With no selfish or partial joy but for the sake of the law they rejoiced, for creation engulfed in the ocean of pain was now to obtain release.
Gautama Buddha -
Much though he recites the sacred texts, but acts not accordingly, that heedless man is like a cowherd who only counts the cows of others - he does not partake of the blessings of the holy life.
Gautama Buddha -
Thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world: As star at dawn, a bubble in a stream A flash of lightning in a summer cloud A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.
Gautama Buddha
When you have great joy, you will become Buddhas!
Gautama Buddha -
Whoever counters the malicious with malice can never be free, but one who feels no maliciousness pacifies those who hate. Hate brings misery to humanity so the wise man knows no hatred.
Gautama Buddha -
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.
Gautama Buddha -
Careful amidst the careless, amongst the sleeping wide-awake, the intelligent man leaves them all behind, like a race-horse does a mere hack.
Gautama Buddha -
As I am, so are others as others are, so am I. Having thus identified self and others, harm no one nor have them harmed.
Gautama Buddha -
Better than chanting a thousand words in a dead language is one soothing word spoken in the vernacular.
Gautama Buddha
A fool who recognises his own ignorance is thereby in fact a wise man, but a fool who considers himself wise - that is what one really calls a fool.
Gautama Buddha -
Delight in meditation and solitude. Compose yourself, be happy. You are a seeker.
Gautama Buddha -
Holding on to anger is like poisoning yourself and hoping someone else will die.
Gautama Buddha -
A fool thinks it like honey so long as the bad deed does not bear fruit, but when it does bear fruit he experiences suffering.
Gautama Buddha