Geoff Hamilton Quotes
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The lens of contract focuses predominantly on gains from trade whereas orthodoxy is focused on resource allocation.
One out of three jobs in Washington is tied to trade.
There's a kind of optimism specifically within Christianity about the world - about whose side God is on. Well, I didn't have any of that in my background. I had physicality and chaos.
Trade isn't about goods. Trade is about information. Goods sit in the warehouse until information moves them.
Hope and optimism have defined my political career, and I continue to be hopeful and optimistic about Canada. Young people have been a great source of inspiration for me.
I would love for Senator Cruz, and everyone creating fear mongering and hatred, to consider creating hope, optimism and love.
A family may be ruined by extravagance, but it is not always through ruin that the representatives in a family are to be found in humble or comparatively humble circumstances, but that the junior members of a gentle family went into trade.
A free trade agreement can be a win-win for E.U. and India.
Both France and Britain are supportive of India's bid for a broad-based agreement on trade and investment with the European Union.
Pop flies, in a sense, are just a diversion for a second baseman. Grounders are his stock trade.
There are so many difficult things we're living through in the world today, so many horrible events, but we cannot let them stop us. No matter what happens, I feel you must move forward with optimism and not get totally sideswiped.
Economically, unfair trade will benefit nobody in the long run, as poorer countries will be bled totally dry and will become unable to produce anything.
Today, you're halfway to 100! Here's to optimism, whether it is realistic or not. Happy 50th birthday!
The reason we all like to think so well of others is that we are all afraid for ourselves. The basis of optimism is sheer terror.
There is no friendship in trade.
Don't take action with a trade until the market, itself, confirms your opinion. Being a little late in a trade is insurance that your opinion is correct. In other words, don't be an impatient trader.
Remember this: When you are doing nothing, those speculators who feel they must trade day in and day out, are laying the foundation for your next venture. You will reap benefits from their mistakes.
The clouds were building up now for the trade wind and he looked ahead and saw a flight of wild ducks etching themselves against the sky over the water, then blurring, then etching again and he knew no man was ever alone on the sea.
Now we are talking about concluding a free trade agreement between the Eurasian Economic Council, recently established in the post-Soviet space, and China. A similar agreement was concluded a short time ago with Vietnam. Then, we will coordinate, at least we are ready to do this, the Chinese concept of the Silk Road Economic Belt with our newly-created regional organisation. So, do you understand how diverse, multi-faceted and deep Russian-Chinese ties have become over the last couple of decades? And we resolved the border issue.
Germany has always stood for an E.U. of the 27 countries. But in light of Britain's continued resistance to further integration steps, as we saw with the fiscal pact, there are limits to my optimism in this regard. It's quite possible that we will have to create the new institutions for the euro zone first.
'For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge' took a year to record; that's why the playing on it might sound somewhat labored. 'Balance,' on the other hand, was written and recorded in only four months, so the whole process was quicker and more immediate.
I like to process things and I do like to write about what I’m feeling and when something really emotionally hits me, whether it’s joyful or traumatic, I know I need to write about it to get that experience out.
Seedsmen reckon that their stock in trade is not seeds at all ... it's optimism.