I don't think we would be specifically remaking "Child's Play 2" and "Child's Play 3". I imagine we'd be dreaming up whole new stories.
I never expected that, 20 years later, Chucky would be considered a classic, if I may invoke that term. A golden oldie anyway, something that people still care about 20 years later.
Brad [Dourif] would tell himself that he was not intentionally trying to mimic Jack Nicholson in any way. I think that actually bothers him a little bit. I just think maybe they have similar voices.
It just sort of suggested a very specific kind of impudence like this little-man syndrome. Chucky has this Napoleon complex. He's a little guy with a lot of rage and that really pointed us in the direction of exploiting that aspect of his character, which people always seem to enjoy.
That's one of the things we're most excited about, really, is just allowing this great, Oscar-nominated actor, giving him material to play in one of his signature roles.
Chucky become a pandemic part of pop culture, definitely.
Don's Mancini father was an advertising executive and I think Don really grew up and all of that stayed in his head. Some of the really great slogans we came up with, over the years, the big advertising buzz-words that we had, Don created those. It's just kind of fun just thinking about what we both love about pop culture and applying it to Chucky film and any others.
When I wrote Chuky script, I was a student at UCLA, an undergraduate and my biggest aspiration for it was that I would get my foot in a door somewhere, that I would get an agent or something and it was just beyond my wildest dreams that this big-time producer, David Kirschner.
In regards to those other franchises that are being remade, we must take pains to mention that we're the only one where the original creators are actually making the movie. It's a special feel of quality, like a Good Housekeeping quality.
There are things we could do like let Brad Dourif play Charles Lee Ray's brother or father , something like that, but I think any of those options would've been squarely in the horror-comedy realm.
I've known Don Mancini for 22 years. We're dear friends. I know his humor, I know his mind.