I came to this so late in life. I said I’ll either make it or I won’t make it and I can’t be worried about what those people think. So the people listening who, in their droves in tweets and texts tell me I’m an eejit, I’m fine with it.
I actually believe in love between men. I’m not talking about gay love. It’s much more powerful and our wives sometimes don’t understand that their husbands or boyfriends or whatever can have this intensity of a relationship with a man. I look at him as somebody I could depend on.
It’s not a match made in heaven.We only meet when there’s rugby – we don’t go to each other’s houses, we don’t go out for stout, it’s very much a professional relationship, although after the best part of two decades, it’s a very close one.
If someone starts talking about pride today I'm going to vomit... The Apache nation had pride and look where they are. The bushmen of Kalahari have pride and look where they are.
It’s anonymous, so people say the cruellest things. To all you Twitterati, it’s water off a duck’s back to me, but it’s not to Brent… Being universally loved means you’ve actually done nothing or said nothing. It’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about having an opinion. When the fella or woman sitting at home throws the shoe at the TV, we’ve actually done our job.
If Declan Kidney had gone for religion instead of teaching, he would have been Pope.