Being without work in the United States is still far better for most people than being employed in Central America.
Within this very myopic perspective, immigrants fill the labor slots that need filling, and those foreign-born workers play no other role in our country’s cultural, political, social, or economic life. Our children’s schools are unaffected, the welfare state is untouched, the balance of political power is unchanged.
Employer sanctions can be a very efficient tool if enforced. The problem is the way the law reads, it's basically a joke. It basically gives employers a huge loophole to walk through.
What immigration really does is redistribute wealth away from workers toward employers.
Why would employers care if immigration didn't affect wages?
Donald Trump announced his presidential bid in June 2015, he made some comments that resulted in a political firestorm. Among the least incendiary of those comments was this statement: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. . . . They’re sending people that have lots of problems.
There's a huge redistribution away from workers to people who use immigrants. ... That's what people are arguing about.