It is also often argued that neo-liberalism, especially neo-liberal economics, helps those in the advantaged categories and hurts, often badly, those in the disadvantaged categories.
One important point about the idea that there are multiple globalizations is the fact that it further complicates the whole idea of finding a point of origin for globalization.
Marx's insight of a century-and-a-half ago was not only highly prescient, but is far truer today than in Marx's day.
Free markets induce a natural collective reaction by society.
If states themselves are less able to handle various responsibilities, this leaves open the possibility of the emergence of some form of global governance to fill the void.
It is increasingly difficult to find examples of warfare that are unaffected by globalization.
One cannot understand globalization, and many of its problems, without understanding neo-liberalism.
It was the mass sale and distribution of novels and newspapers that was critical to the rise of the imagined nation.
Cultural imperialism involved, among many other things, exploration, missionary and humanitarian missions, travel, and the use of education and publishing to disseminate European ideas.
The polar view, as it was for Marx, is that it was not material factors, but rather ideal factors, that are the main drivers of globalization.