People overreact to extremism and end up in the deep freeze of tradition, judgementalism, legalism, dead orthodoxy and inaction.
The bottom line in mission work is people work... loving them, serving them and helping them become strong disciples of Jesus.
We who have Christ's eternal life need to throw away our own lives.
Without Holy Spirit boldness, the world will remain unevangelized... there can never be a substitute for the power of the Spirit working through willing men and women, and that power will bring boldness.
Prayer is at the heart of the action and a world-wide prayer movement must run parallel with any kind of world-wide mission movement.
God can use anyone who loves Jesus.
I believe the reason many Christians are so dull and lifeless in their faith is because they are not in the battle, not using their weapons, not advancing against the enemy.
Whether you make shoes or microchips, God can use you. Without faith and love your Christianity will be a hollow thing, no matter what its intellectual credibility.
The truth is that most mission work is carried out where the church already exists Only small percentages are working where the church is non-existent.
If only we could see the value of one soul like God does.
We need to learn how to agree to disagree and get on with the basic living out of the Christian life, mobilising people for missions and presenting the gospel to the whole world.