Every day when I open the mail I encounter a find with a brand-new brew of story and emotion.
I've always given a lot of advice, whether I'm asked for it or not.
The place I write best is at the Angell Hall computer center on the University of Michigan campus, where I went to school. I still go over there and rock it through the night.
The questions people have are sometimes soulful, sometimes zany, sometimes incoherent. I want to make a 'zine with just the questions I get emailed to me.
I get emails from strangers every day asking for love advice, which is kind of counter-intuitive since I'm making a movie about what an idiot I am with relationships.
But in the end, I suppose, we only have one life to lead, and the roads not taken would always outnumber and outshine the roads we end up taking, day by day, without plan.
My parents have seen their ups-and-downs but are still married after 40 years, so that's something.
On tour, it's hard to do much writing, but if I'm on a deadline, I find a way.
There’s no key to the universe, you just have to point your way in one direction, keep going, keep going, keep going, and see what happens.
In general, I always make it my mission to focus on the one person in the audience who seems to be absolutely miserable about being there and try to convert them.