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Inbound and outbound, I'm looking at probably the best environment I have seen in years.
We all met there, there were plenty of talks. We all look at each other and believe there are too many limitations. All you can do right now is a financial minority investment.
A distress call must be activated in the cockpit and only licensed pilots can do that.
It's very positive that VC has come to us for the first time in years of negotiations with a proposal that includes cost cuts.
The summer bookings are not disappointing at all, i think we are looking to a good year as industry and that includes the Lufthansa Group.
I think there's a high interest for Lufthansa Technik and catering services, but also for additional destinations and capacity on the cargo and passenger side.
To be honest I see protectionism around the world rising rather than more liberalization.
The situation in the cabins, which threatens to lead to another labor dispute this week is fair neither to our colleagues nor to our customers, a solution can only lie in dialogue.
The white paper is very much in line with what we and Air France have said over the last years. Unfortunately we don't have the same intelligence services.
We can only speculate what might have been the motivation of the co-pilot. In a company that prides itself on its safety record, this is a shock. We select cockpit personnel carefully.