This is Ze Frank, thinking so you don't have to. (Standard sign-off for 'The Show'; varies at times).
Generalized statements … which instill nebulous fear without specific information are exactly in line with the goals of terrorism. 25.
The story of technology seems to go up and then retract into simplicity again.
Anything that makes you feel the most alone also has the greatest power to connect you.
Video has become much more social, and as a result, there are many opportunities to use video as a way to connect people, to give them opportunities to play and participate, to make things together and have a shared social experience. I think we are just at the beginning of really exploring what social video is and what we can make of it.
Look! A see-through wall of glass! 22
There's more than one way to skin a cat. But from the cat's perspective, they all suck. 2.
We have this incredible ability to communicate with each other. I want to play around with it, see what this mass audience is really capable of.
For some reason, we stopped getting gold stars at some age. It's time to bring them back.
I don't want to get too philosophical, but in a sense, you're given this gift, this sort of creative force in you, and I think everyone has it, and it's completely unique to you. And you as a person have a little bit of a responsibility as its shepherd if you choose to incorporate that into your life.
Mobile video is now a reality and a force to be reckoned with. I think it is essential to think about how people interact with their phones; how they consume content and how they share.
I'm fascinated by simple joy.
This little bathtub smells like ass.24.
Are the new viewers gone yet?
...next time you rake up those leaves realize you're about to jump into a pile of tree shit. 19.
I consider creativity to be a more non-rational, subconscious thing. You have a relationship to your creativity - you can feed it with content, with some rational prodding and sleep and things like that, but the mechanisms by which your creativity work are largely unknown.
(On airplane etiquette) Although reclining your seat is technically your right, just like free speech if you exercise it to your limits everyone around you will think you're an asshole. 18
Pat Buchanan likes to say we're in a culture war. The Civil War was a culture war, and brothers killed brothers. I wonder if they avoided dinner conversation about politics. What if this culture war turned into a real war? I'd look back on that dinner and wish that I'd ordered a side of argument.6
The word vagina is a beautiful word, like all words that have v's and g's in them, like gavel, or evangelical. I love vaginas, and evangelicals. I fucking hate gavels though.8
I think this is one of the greatest gifts of this era: Because of the Internet, we can start to type a question into Google and watch the question auto-fill. In that moment, we know someone else has asked that same question. The gift of realizing you're not alone is incredibly powerful.
Trust is a confusing thing. It seems so simple, but when you try to pin it down, it can be so elusive.
Okay, roll-call, no talking. Benny, Marc; Ethel, Shakina, nice shoes. Bobo twins, anyone seen the Bobo twins? Those Bobo twins.11
in the summertime sometimes i sleep 'macho': ah, white t-shirt, no underpants. Sleeping macho looks very attractive on a man. I feel like it helps me breathe. 21
Look what I found; a litter version of the Internet! This used to be something that could convert carbon dioxide to oxygen using only sunlight, water, and a few nutrients. But now it's way cooler; it has two functions. You can either put little words on it, or crumple it up into a tiny ball and throw it! 27.