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I got a bike when I was little, a BMX. I called it 'Fido Dido' after the tough little cartoon guy with spiked hair. I thought he was the coolest thing ever.
If anything, the children of Paris should be giving me even more money for having the privilege of being in the same city as my incredible quality. And so should David Beckham. Call it a Zlaritable donation.
You never forget where you come from.
I still feel I need to do things 10 times better than other players. Just to be accepted and to improve myself.
I always drive like a madman.
I can't help but laugh at how perfect I am.
I decide my future. I decide what I want to do. Nobody else. If I decide this will be my last year, maybe it is. If I decide it will be my last contract, I decide that. Nobody else. So I will decide when the moment is there.
People are very curious and have written a lot of things about me. Right or not. I never comment on those things, because it's not much of my thing to comment on everything that's written about me.
When you are the invisible man to the head coach, the only option is to head for the exit.
I did many stupid things. I made many mistakes, but I learnt from everything. I still make mistakes; I still learn from them. Nobody is perfect.
People trash talk me.
If I had an ego as big as the Eiffel Tower, would I have won this many collective trophies? I know people like to talk about it. And O.K., I am not going to answer every story. But maybe I will let my collective trophies speak for themselves. I don't know many other footballers who have won as much. Do you?
Some things is made by destiny, yes, other things by hard work, but quality you don't learn. Quality you are born with.
I think I am difficult to satisfy, because when I win something, I'm already thinking about the next step, and that is maybe a problem for me. I'm not enjoying the moment. I'm already on the mission to win the next trophy.
Anything that happens in your life was meant to happen. It is your destiny. I was destined to have the life I have now, and I can't have any regrets.
I read all the time that people think I'm arrogant. They say I am cocky, a bad character. I had that from a young age. But when they meet me, they say, 'That image doesn't fit you.'
When I arrived at Barcelona, I was following a dream, but I now realize sometimes it's better to be content with what you have rather than follow a dream which nearly kills you.
You were born as the one you are.
I'm a guy of 92kg. I haven't got the physique of someone who can work back and then sprint up front again throughout a match!
Never judge a person if you don't know him.
People often write after they finish their career, or they don't play anymore, or they are not anymore active. So I say, why do that? And let's do it differently.
I am happy in Paris.
I'm used to having a camera in my face but not a camera following me.
When you buy me, you are buying a Ferrari. If you drive a Ferrari, you put premium petrol in the tank, you hit the motorway, and you step on the gas.