The analysis of the thing is not the thing itself.
Luck consists largely of hanging on by your fingernails until things start to go your way.
Violence is the first refuge of the violent.
Life is like an analogy.
The way to a man's heart is through his chest.
Where can I get some tat? I'd like to trade it in.
The difference between tragedy and comedy: Tragedy is something awful happening to somebody else, while comedy is something awful happening to somebody else.
Lawyers are the first refuge of the incompetent.
No one pays me to be nice.
The principle of Sturgeon's Razor states that the simplest answer to any problem is 90% crap.
I'm content to stand on tradition. I'm even more content to wipe my feet on it.
Definition of 'Free': You pay for it whether or not you elect to receive it.
Feminism is sort of like God. Many people profess to believe in it, but no one seems to be able to define it to everyone's satisfaction.
When all else fails, complicate matters.
Any sufficiently badly-written science is indistinguishable from magic.
This would not be a problem if I were driving a snowplow.
I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart.
I marked their location in case Kell wanted to blow them up or something.” “I don’t have to blow up everything I see. I just like to.
There are two types of people in the world, and I'm one of them.
If you hack the Vatican server, have you tampered in God's domain?
Rogue Squadron doesn’t run. Unless we really, really have to." "No, this will be Wraith Squadron’s mission." "We don’t mind running. Even when we don’t have to.
I have to say, this sounds like the worst idea in a thousand generations of bad ideas." "You haven't heard all our ideas." Luke & Bhindi Drayson
At which time the repulsor puts out its final effort and slows you down so you crash quite slowly into the surface." "Crash." "Quite slowly." Face & Luke
No, General. I'm not your subordinate. And what I'm coming dangerously close to is violence. -General Wedge Antilles