The American dream comes from opportunity. The opportunity comes from our founding principles, our core values that's held together and protected by the Constitution. Those ideas are neither Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, white, or black. Those are American ideologies.
Not raising the debt ceiling is not an automatic trigger for a default.
I'm not willing to commit American taxpayers' money anymore or American troops on the ground in another Middle Eastern country.
People are fed up with the career politicians who created this mess or failed to prevent it and neither was acceptable, and the only way we could change that was by sending a different type of person to Washington.
If you step out and do what you feel is right... and you're not attacking a person, and you're attacking a process, and you're attacking the status quo... and if somebody wants to hold a grudge against me, that's on them. It's not on me, and I'm going to do what I think is right.
The interest on our debt is going to collapse this country.
I've removed legs from dogs on the bed of my truck on the farm.
One of the things that made the Internet so explosive and such an economic and intellectual force is because of the free-market enterprise in a country like the U.S. controlling access to it.
I hope that I can continue to champion Dr. Paul's efforts to audit the Fed, protect state's rights, and getting our nation back on track.
I don't want anybody to dictate to America how to decide our lives.
A guy running, you know, fifteen, twenty stallions that are two years of age, never been touched by a human before, and you've got to start castrating them, that's pretty intimidating.
An EMP explosion would wipe out our grid, wipe out our cellular system.
I'm not going to raise the debt ceiling.
I think anytime that somebody that works for the government lies, yes, they should be removed.
As we enter 2015, we are faced with overwhelming challenges. However, the dawn of 2015 also promises unlimited potential and the opportunity to begin rebuilding America.
We don't want to repeat the unintended consequences that surfaced following the NAFTA agreement.
Whatever we do from government, we need to do what's best for America. If we do that, that's bringing power back to the people.
I will do today what others won't so I can do tomorrow what others can't.
Anybody that's been in an election, you're always looking to get the upper hand.
I am all in favor of growing the American economy and engaging in trade with the world, but not at the expense of American workers. The North American Free Trade Agreement is a perfect example of this. Ask the textile workers of North Carolina how NAFTA worked out for them - if you can find any.
I'm incredibly humbled that the leader of the modern liberty movement and strong conservative leader Congressman Ron Paul is backing our campaign.
Not raising the debt ceiling does not trigger a default, because we've got enough money to service our debts. Default is when you can't service your debt.
What I think you are going to see is with DACA being gone, it gets rid of the magnet of drawing people over here, thinking they are going to come in and get amnesty.
In the last four years, I heard the same thing over and over again from people: 'We've had enough,' 'Our country is drifting,' 'We've lost our way.'