A flower may be beautiful all on its own, but a person is never truly beautiful unless someone's eyes show him that he is beautiful.
Nothing helps you sleep at night so much as being absolutely certain that you're right, and everyone else is evil.
After a good, successful torture, she was as happy as I ever saw her. I guess everyone needed a hobby.
We hate most in others what we dislike in ourselves.
I know who and what I am. I am The Executioner, and I don't date Vampires. I kill them.
Giving up at something that no longer serves a purpose, or protects you, or helps you, isn't giving up at all, it's growing up.
A person likes to think of himself in a certain way, and when something happens that makes that no longer possible, you mourn the old self. The person you thought you were.
I could almost smell her fear... Why did it bother me so much? Because she and I were the only women here, and we had to be better than the men. Braver, quicker, whatever. It was a rule for playing with the big boys.
Pretend hard enough and maybe it will go away.
You will never lose your nerve. Your life, probably, but never your nerve.'
I hate to waste a really good threat.
My eyes were running because there were pieces of zombie all over my toys, Jesus.
Wikipedia: Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series
People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when the knowledge is so damn frightening.
Love is too precious to be ashamed of.
'Always needing to have the last word is a bad trait Ms. Blake, pisses people off.'
You ask yourself 'What is love? Am I in love?', when what you should be asking is, 'What is not love?', ma petite. What is it that this man does for you that is not done out of love?
No, really, Ronnie, it's good to share information when you know someone else is dating the lunarly challenged.
Samuel smiled at me. 'Freedom and fairness are very important to you, aren't they?' I nodded, and frowned. 'They're important to everybody.' He laughed. 'Oh, no, Anita, you would be amazed at the number of people who try to give away their freedom at every opportunity. They much prefer that someone else make their decisions.'
'The idea of the feudal system is that the people on the top take care of the needs of those on the bottom, but I have seldom seen it work that way,' Wicked said. 'Yeah,' I said, 'it's like trickle-down economics; it only works if the people at the top are really good, decent people. The system is only as good as the people in power.'
I smiled at him but knew it did not reach my eyes. I smiled because he smiled at me, more reflex than emotion. Inside I was nothing. It was a little like being in shock. Shock is nature's insulation, the thing that shuts you down so you can heal, or sometimes so you can die without hurting, or being afraid...
Well I wasn't going to die. You didn't die of a broken heart, it just felt like you were going to. I knew from personal experience that if you just kept moving, acting as if you weren't bleeding inside you didn't die, and eventually you stopped wanting to.
Anita: My life works for me right now, but it wouldn't work for a child. Ronnie: Why, because you don't have a husband? Anita: No, because people try to kill me on a semiregular basis.
He wanted to feed the hunger of his skin. The hunger of his body not so much for orgasm but for that need to be held close and tight, that need we all have to press our nakedness against someone else's.