You can't criticize people for wanting to have a decent life or wanting to live decently.
Angela Davis -
It'll be a home. I can call that a home because there's nobody but me and my family in one camper.
Angela Davis
I never saw myself as an individual who had any particular leadership powers.
Angela Davis -
What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.
Angela Davis -
I decided to teach because I think that any person who studies philosophy has to be involved actively.
Angela Davis -
Human beings cannot be willed and molded into non-existence.
Angela Davis -
It doesn't surprise me that aspect of the black nationalist movement, the cultural side, has triumphed because that is the aspect of the movement that was most commodifiable and when we look at the commodification of blackness we're looking at a phenomenon that's very profitable and it's connection with the rise of a black middle class I think is very obvious.
Angela Davis -
This is the sports she enjoys the most. She gets so excited about it.
Angela Davis
we have accumulated a wealth of historical experience which confirms our belief that the scales of American justice are out of balance.
Angela Davis -
We live in a society of an imposed forgetfulness, a society that depends on public amnesia.
Angela Davis -
We have been basically persuaded that we should not talk about racism.
Angela Davis -
The food we eat masks so much cruelty. The fact that we can sit down and eat a piece of chicken without thinking about the horrendous conditions under which chickens are industrially bred in this country is a sign of the dangers of capitalism, how capitalism has colonized our minds. The fact that we look no further than the commodity itself, the fact that we refuse to understand the relationships that underly the commodities that we use on a daily basis. And so food is like that.
Angela Davis -
We can't talk about the black community. It's no longer a homogeneous community; it was never a homogeneous community.
Angela Davis -
There is so much history of this racist violence that simply to bring one person to justice is not going to disturb the whole racist edifice.
Angela Davis
The idea of freedom is inspiring. But what does it mean? If you are free in a political sense but have no food, what's that? The freedom to starve?
Angela Davis -
Often young black people are looking towards the alternative economies. They are looking towards the drug economy.... the economies that are going to that apparently will produce some kind of material gain for them.
Angela Davis -
Prisons do not disappear problems, they disappear human beingsā¦
Angela Davis -
Poor people, people of color - especially are much more likely to be found in prison than in institutions of higher education.
Angela Davis -
I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change...I'm changing the things I cannot accept.
Angela Davis -
I think the importance of doing activist work is precisely because it allows you to give back and to consider yourself not as a single individual who may have achieved whatever but to be a part of an ongoing historical movement.
Angela Davis
We've had a lot of parents ask questions about the program.
Angela Davis -
It's true that it's within the realm of cultural politics that young people tend to work through political issues, which I think is good, although it's not going to solve the problems
Angela Davis -
The work of the political activist inevitably involves a certain tension between the requirement that position be taken on current issues as they arise and the desire that one's contributions will somehow survive the ravages of time.
Angela Davis -
DHR has been my backbone, ... I love kids. I wish I could spread my wings and take them all in. I don't have a lot of money, but I have a lot of love and DHR knows that.
Angela Davis