Audrey Hepburn Quotes
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I keep my heart and my soul and my spirit open to miracles.
This may sound trite, but bad things happen to good people, and when you're facing terrorism, natural disaster, you can have every wonderful plan in place, but I am a realist.
In order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.
Necessity has been a priceless spur which has helped men to perform miracles against incredible odds.
I'm a realist and I always have been.
Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle.
I think I'm a realist. Which people who don't like me consider to be pessimism. It isn't pessimism at all. If I was a pessimist I wouldn't get up, I wouldn't shave, I wouldn't watch Batman at 7:30 a.m. Pessimists just don't do that sort of thing.
You can cooperate and not compromise your core values. But I'm a realist with the philosophy that sometimes you've got to take bites out of the apple instead of the whole apple.
My mother is a realist, and she's had biological and adoptive children, and she said it's no different: No matter what, they're putting a stranger into your arms. You don't know them yet.
I have a lot of courage. I'm a realist.
Anyone who doesn't believe in miracles is not a realist.
I learned you have to move fast, writing futuristic satire in America: Before you know it, you're a realist!
I'm a realist, and so we have to take what exists and continue to struggle to move forward.
I think people are very stiff. Money makes people stiff, and we want it, and we have to pay the penalty. I never agreed with stiffness. I think people have an understanding of what their life is. I define success by being a realist and not humiliating people. I'm a revolutionary - but not in the political sense.
People say I'm such a pessimist, but I always was. It never stopped me from doing what I had to do. I would say I'm a realist.
You say paranoia, I say surveillance state. Worried about being tracked by hidden cameras stealthy air-borne remotely piloted vehicles, and chips implanted in your skull? You’re merely a realist.
The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.
Gratitude and Contentment is the greatest worker of miracles. It transforms water into wine, grains of sand into pearls, raindrops into balsam, poverty into wealth, the smallest into the greatest, the most common to the most noble, earth into paradise.
Rationally I have no hope, irrationally I believe in miracles.
When 'night, Mother' opened, I did not know how long it would be before I would have another show on Broadway.
Worshiping the earth is more fun than going to church. It's also closer. We can just step off the sidewalk. And sometimes we can get impressionable members of the opposite sex to perform sacramental rites with us. 'Every drop of water wasted is a drop less of a wild and scenic river, Jennifer. We'd better double up in the shower.'
Childhood is a disease - a sickness that you grow out of.
We all know what the moon does to the ocean in the form of tides. Well, we are about 85% salt water; don't you think it is also affecting you? Maybe you cannot quantify that effect along with zillions of other effects, but certainly you are being affected.
Anyone who does not believe in miracles is not a realist.