I have a pretty decent understanding of which posts will perform better than others. Specifically on Instagram, when it's a style picture, those ones always get way more likes.
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I gained this new sense of control over my love life because when I called myself a 'man repeller,' you assumed that being single is my choice. I'm man-repelling because that's how I want to dress. I'm not single because no men like me. I'm single because I choose fashion over a relationship.
Leandra Medine
I feel like alternative piercings in the ear is this untapped way to festoon yourself. Not many people understand this, but it hurts so good. It's like getting dental work done. It hurts in the right way.
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I'm not comfortable leaving the apartment if the bed isn't made or a chair isn't tucked into the table.
Leandra Medine -
Especially with Instagram, I feel reluctant to make all the photos beautiful because I don't necessarily want to send this message that life is perfect and your avocado toast is always going to be beautifully lit. I want readers to feel like the Man Repeller page is real and kind of dirty. Messy.
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I wore some stupid brocade dress to my prom.
Leandra Medine -
It seems inevitable, if unfair, that when a woman is vying for a prominent position in office, her outfit choices will be analyzed to a degree considerably higher than those of her male counterpart by simple existence of gender stereotypes.
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I'm not dressing with men in mind at all. I'm just going to wear what I want to wear. It makes things easier, too.
Leandra Medine
No matter the candidate, every detail in a campaign is carefully and strategically framed for our consumption. The devil is in them.
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I'm probably most inspired by good street style that features items I already own; it's always great to see how another person wears something you have, which sort of reinvents it for you.
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My goal is never to push anyone to do anything other than think.
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I have never done anything to my brows, though sometimes I tweeze the intersection of the left and right brow, which is either a really good thing or a really bad thing.
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Fashion Week is a great opportunity to make unimportant people feel like they own the world.
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When I'm wearing red lipstick, I'll never do anything with my eyes. And it's so easy - you just put on red lipstick, and your whole face just seems done.
Leandra Medine
Sometimes I wear red lipstick - it makes me feel sophisticated.
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Nighttime dressing is not very different from daytime dressing for me. I feel like night clothes don't get a chance to live the way day clothes do, so I prefer to think of night clothes as day clothes.
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Being a man repeller becomes a process of elimination. If a guy is only really into your outfit and won't date you because of what you're wearing, they are too driven by the female exterior and don't care about your intellect.
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The men who really get repelled by what you're wearing are a little shallow, and you probably don't want to date them anyway.
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I have a degree in journalism, which is something that I make very clear very frequently just so people are aware of it. I went to school to write... Editorial integrity is very important to me.
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I think men like things tight and simple.
Leandra Medine
Fashion is used as a tool to convey a point about who we are or potentially want to be. Whether or not a civilian curates his or her own aesthetic is up that person, but it is an integral part of one's public image.
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If I were going to prom again, I would wear a huge skirt and plain cotton tank. A big, poofy, flotation-device-sized skirt. I wish I had done that.
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Without getting too spiritual, God has done so much for me; the least I can do is drink Kiddush wine on a Friday night.
Leandra Medine -
I never borrowed money from Mom. I lived at home, but my parents never helped me. I worked hard and moved out. I treated my blog like a business; hard work is important.
Leandra Medine