I really love the category on the site called Brain Massage.
I buy all my perfumes duty free - I think people are fools not to.
I love manicures - I'm really into colorful nails.
I got a C in art when I was in 11th grade. That it is even possible to come out of a high school art class with a C is wondrous, especially considering the creative license we were encouraged to use to, for lack of a better axiom, color outside the lines.
I didn't launch the website with any goals in mind, to be honest. I didn't know that it would have been anything other than a digital portfolio once I graduated college.
What a woman does or does not do to her face is personal. And as with most other things, makeup or a lack thereof can serve as either a prison or a fortress commanded by the mind: you can become a slave to it, or it can set you free.
What good is a wall without framed art? It is like the equivalent of the accessories that you choose to wear to decorate a black dress - precisely the stuff that makes the wall/dress you.
You don't usually find an island in a New York kitchen.
Nothing's worse than oily skin.
I can't imagine catering to an audience that doesn't also interest me.
Man Repeller is intended to chronicle all the fashion trends that women love and men hate. I started it because I am woman with a deep appreciation for harem pants. And sometimes blaming clothing on a sad love life is easier than blaming oneself!
You have to keep a feeling of goodness in your exteriors.
You're not stupid because you're interested in fashion, period.
I am comfortable with how I look.
My blog is not about repelling men, it's about good fashion.
Running a business is incredibly hard, especially as a creative person, because you're extricated from the creative very quickly, and that is really hard. Obviously, I have experienced that first hand.
Your doubts are generated by fear, and fear is a series of distorted thoughts.
I have always had a fleeting relationship with clothing.
I didn't actually even really know my grandmother; I must have been 3 or 4 when she died.
I am loving visible bras with shirts, high-waisted pants and oversize blazers.
Could Yosef be considered a Man Repeller even though he's a man? I'd love to get my hands on that techni-colored dream coat! Feels very Matthew Williamson to me.
As someone who has been known for the way they've been dressed, it's almost OK for me to wear New Balances and sweat pants. I'm not necessarily moulding trends, but it's OK if I'm not adhering to them.
I realized that if I were a 23-year-old girl getting married, and I wasn't struggling with it, that would likely mean that something was either massively wrong with me or that my brain is made up of delicately wrapped almonds that serve perfectly as party favors.
My eyes will never be blue; my bone structure will never allow for you to mistake me for a Scandinavian model.