We're in the midst of the greatest crisis we've ever seen and if we don't stop laughing about it and deal with it, we're going to find ourself in the midst of chaos, confusion and civil war. It's time we started acting like grownups.
There's not a single thing on offer in this all-too-temporary world for which you should ever sell your soul.
When we surrender moral government to the courts, we have surrendered the very essence of freedom, we have surrendered its only real meaning-and we will not be free again until we get it back.
The travesty of slavery wasn't physical abuse. It was the moral abuse of looking at a human being as if they are an animal.
At the root of the assault on our liberties is, in fact, an assault on our character-an assault that assumes that we are not good enough to be free, and that aims to make sure that we are no longer strong enough, courageous enough, disciplined enough to be a free people.
The heart of government, coated with whatever velvet gloves you want to put on it, is a mailed fist of force and coercion.
So I'm not even sure that he's President of the United States... neither are many of our military people now, who are going to court to ask the question 'Do we have to obey a man who is not qualified under the constitution.
You can't have it both ways. Either our rights come from God, as our Declaration of Independence says, or they come from human choice. If they come from human choice, then our whole way of life is meaningless, it has no foundation.
Freedom does not mean doing what you can get away with, doing what you please. It means, instead, having the opportunity to do what you ought to do-for family and for community and for humanity as a whole.
I will stand against those who see terrorism when Americans die, but who see suicide bombers who kill Israelis and believe that that is just part of the negotiating process.
A callous disregard for the claims of innocent human life is the heart and soul of the evil of terrorism.
Harden our hearts to the innocents in the womb, and we have hardened our hearts to the need for compassion, and mercy, and fellow-feeling, and charity, and decency in this world.
I deeply resent the destruction of federalism represented by Hillary Clinton's willingness to go into a state she doesn't even live in and pretend to represent the people there. So I certainly wouldn't imitate it.
Every leader, and every regime, and every movement, and every organization that steps across the line to terrorism must be banished from the discourse of civilized human life.
The answer to crime is not gun control, it is law enforcement and self-control.
It's in the private places of the heart that freedom is made or unmade by the discipline we create there.
Without the basis in written law, and without the basis in our Constitution ratified by the people, judges can't make laws. And if we accept the notion that their dictates are law, then we have not only submitted to tyranny, we have abandoned a republican form of government.
There is a difference between constitutional government and judicial dictatorship. And I think it's time we remembered that our Constitution was not put together in order to establish the sovereignty of the judges, it was framed in order to guarantee the sovereignty of the people.
In the great Declaration of our principles, it didn't say that all men are created equal 'if you so choose.' It said that all are created equal by the power and the will of God, and that we must respect their rights as we respect that will.
We must reject dictatorship in whatever form it takes — and especially when it rears its head in our own midst on the bench.
There are times we don't want to hear about the need to temper our best hopes in order to achieve our most vital security. But we still need to do it. Before we can triumph, we must survive. Before liberty can prevail, the possibility of liberty must be preserved.
Either you can subscribe to the American creed which says that God endowed us with our rights, or you can subscribe to the abortion creed which says that those rights are the consequences of our mother's will.
A Keyes speech on the moral erosion of America is one of those transcendent experiences where you just have to be there. It's hard to explain how he touches the soul of an audience, and saying that he's 'silver-tongued' (as everyone does) only tarnishes the picture by inadequacy.
How does it secure the blessings of liberty to our posterity, to those generations yet unborn, to kill them, aborting them in the womb?