'Damn you!' Dagenham raged, 'Don’t you realize that you can’t trust people? They don’t know enough for their own good.''Then let them learn or die. We’re all in this together. Let’s live or die together.'
The man who gives his own decisions priority over society is a criminal.
'That’s me,' he said, motioning to the robot. 'That’s all of us. We prattle about free will, but we’re nothing but response...mechanical reaction in prescribed grooves.'
Now, these men weren’t idiots. They were geniuses who paid a high price for their genius because the rest of their thinking was other-world. A genius is someone who travels to truth by an unexpected path. Unfortunately, unexpected paths lead to disaster in everyday life.
Yes, no matter how we defend ourselves against the outside we’re always licked by something from the inside. There’s no defense against betrayal, and we all betray ourselves.
The mind is the reality. You are what you think.
Powell repressed the wave of exasperation that rose up in him. It was not exasperation with Chooka. It was anger for the relentless force of evolution that insisted on endowing man with increased powers without removing the vestigial vices that prevented him from using them.
He awoke. He was alive. He wasted no time on prayer or thanks but continued the business of survival.