With the combination of spending a fair amount of time on planes, having twins that go to elementary school, and generally living a lifestyle that is pretty high-stress, I have been known to run myself down quite easily, so I am pretty much a petri dish for germs, colds, and flus.
When I look at a woman through my camera, I see her with complete admiration and appreciation of her beauty, strength, and power - and that's how I do my best to represent her.
Persuasiveness takes finesse; it takes an understanding of human psychology. And intention is everything.
I was about 15 years old, and I needed a job, and somebody I know - I don't even know who it was - said that there was a television show that needed a presenter and that I should go and audition for it, so I did. That was a show called 'The Word,' and I got that job.
I have met people on the subway who have told me the most profound stories, and I am convinced we all have something to teach each other if we just slow down long enough to hear the message.
I was in so much emotional pain as a young girl that whatever distracted me from how I felt about myself was fine by me.
Learning how to be persuasive has been really crucial to my life both professionally and personally.
If I could wave a magic wand, I would be a size 6 and still be able to eat cake every day.
At age 14, you are just beginning to work out who you think you are, and being famous is a huge distortion of reality, and it's not healthy for a young person to be considered more special than their peers. So, I would say it hindered my self-esteem but in later years gave me a great perspective that I wouldn't have if I hadn't experienced that.
Despite the gender stereotypes in the '80s, my race-car-driving dad taught me that I could do whatever my brother could.
From the ages of 12 to 35 my body, not my mind, was my primary currency. My ideas, my humor, my curiosity - none of those were valued as much as my body, which preceded me into almost every room.
If there was anyone primed to raise their kids feminist, it was me. My parents treated me no differently from my brother. I was raised to believe I was capable of doing anything I set my mind to.
In marriage, you sacrifice the adrenaline rush of seeing someone new for the comfort of being with someone who knows everything about you and loves you anyway.
I've always known if anything killed me, it would be boys. From the time I was a teenager into my thirties, I loved only the ones who were bad news.
Every episode of 'The Conversation' was created to be a platform for women, to connect women, and to allow women's voices to be heard as much as possible. That's why I launched that show on a television network and online simultaneously.
I hate small talk! I can't do it.
When young people implode, we judge them rather than saying they need help.
Persuasiveness is really just about getting your ideas across without being forceful. It's a skill that can be learned and is useful for anyone who works in a team environment.
I'm really interested in older women, to be honest, because they have lived a life that I've not yet lived. So I really want to learn from them, and I think culturally we tend to dispose of women once they get to a certain age and they don't look a certain way.
The most beautiful girl in the room not only gets the guy, she lands the job, gets better service at a restaurant, rises through the social ranks before her friends. Doors open for the beautiful woman that may not for a female who is twice as smart but half as beautiful.
When you've worked as hard as I have to form your identity, the last thing you want is to blur where you end and someone else begins.
I'd like to interview Rita Ora - I think she's really cool.
No one understood why I would wanna be behind the camera, not in front of the camera, and so no one took me seriously, and people said, 'Oh, well, this is just a hobby isn't it?' and I said, 'No, I really love this. I wanna make this my career,' and I did not have a lot of support at all for many years. People just kind of thought it was a joke.
I went from being able to walk down the street and be ignored to having men whistle at me. I was an insecure young girl, and it felt good to have attention, even though it was inappropriate.