I want to do everything right now! This very minute. I am impatient, but yes I have goals. To be a real well-respected actress whom people know they can rely on to do a good job... whether they like me as a person or not!
I'll tell you what it is... just why 'Wonder Woman' worked. Or 'Bionic Woman,' or any of those, really. It was because it wasn't about brawn... it was about brains. And yes, she happened to be beautiful, she happened to be kind of extraordinary in some way, but she wasn't a guy.
I sang in bands as a kid. In high school, I was already on the road doing a single. And that's no fun. Then came 'Wonder Woman' and children.
I always supported gay issues, but I never understood transgender issues. But after I heard Bruce Jenner speak so honestly, so sincerely, and so relatably, I totally got it. I totally understood what he was saying - it was so compelling.
My son plays guitar, and he's been at the Kennedy Center.
I think that people like to put you down to one line - a synopis of some kind. And I just don't pay any attention to it.
I asked my husband if he was surprised by all the #MeToo stories. 'Yeah, I'm surprised,' he said. Ask any woman, they're not surprised. It's been going on for years.
We have to start spreading that news - that real men change poopy diapers and coach the soccer team and let their daughters paint toenails all kinds of colours.