I find, at times, people underestimate me. That's really an asset.
As you think about developing people through their careers, you're looking for that transition from being the smartest person in the room - and caring so much about that - to being the most effective.
As we look ahead, we see increasing opportunities for Duke in natural gas - not just for producing electricity, but in providing gas for our customers. We have been investing in renewables as well throughout the U.S.
There are no coal plants on the drawing board for Duke, which leaves us with gas, renewables, and nuclear.
For 2015, Duke Energy's employees safety record received the top rank among large utilities as recognize by EEI.
All options to produce, transmit, and store electricity should be considered, driven by clear price signals and constructive government policy.
Over the long term, we should develop and implement new technologies to capture and store coal's carbon emissions. We also must make our electric grid more resilient.
I actually had someone say to me, 'Lynn, you're going to have very good days, and you're going to have very bad days. But It's rare that things are as good as they look, and it's rare that things are as bad as they seem.' So having perspective, and challenging perspective, is important to making good decisions.
We don't believe carbon capture is a proven, scalable, commercially available technology.
M&A is always an opportunistic tool to grow a company.
It was exciting putting hundreds of millions of dollars to work buying and building wind farms in Texas.
We are accountable for what happened at Dan River and have learned from this event.
If I were to share with you the number of attacks that come into the Duke network every day, you would be astounded. And it's not from people working out of their garage; it's from nation-states that are trying to penetrate systems.
I don't think of myself as a powerful woman.
Utilities fall in love with their assets, and that's a danger we need to avoid.
When I was growing up, we had a widow living next door to us. So the habit was that if we went to the grocery store, we called her first. If we cut our yard, we cut her yard, no questions asked.
Our highest priorities are safe operations and the well-being of the people and communities we serve.
Building new nuclear is something that is going to take a lot of commitment, not only from our company but from the communities we serve. It is a five-to-seven-year journey to build one, and they are expensive.
I can be incredibly focused, and I can appear impatient. So I've learned to slow down, get to know people, and provide more context. There's nothing wrong with getting to the point pretty quickly, but it's also helpful to give people an opportunity to talk about their work.
Fracking has been a real technological change that has caused great innovation in our business, and we've had the benefit of very low gas prices for our customers as a result of that.
Volatility is not something that is a great fit for Duke if you look at the level of dividend we pay.
The regulations keep on coming. And we are trying to make decisions that we will be happy with for decades.
I hope nuclear becomes a part of the conversation, at the right time when we recognize the importance of that resource. I hope we can work that out as a country and figure out how we are going to put nuclear in the mix.
Reliable and competitively priced electricity is fundamental to growing our economy and creating jobs. Our customers expect nothing less.